OpenBVE Crash
2 posters
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OpenBVE Crash
I should ask you for help.
The installation is done according to the instructions available for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
Mono and OpenBVE are installed.
This is my computer spec:
I can open OpenBVE:
And when I press START, OpenBVE starts loading "Loading route...Loading train...".
Now something strange is happening. It loads "Loading route" and starts loading "Loading train".
And I'm not sure Open BVE loads everything to 100%. But then the above picture disappears.
And I'll come back to the first picture.
I made an "openBVE Bug Report 25_04_2020" and copied it:
2020-04-25 07:32:52
OpenBVE Crash Log
Program is running on the Linux backend
Current screen resolution is: Windowed 960px X 600px
Current routefile is: /usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Route/Birmingham_Cross-City_South/Day/323_Spring_2005_1128_Dry_Cloudy.csv
Current train is: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323
Current train plugin is: OpenBveAts.dll
The current routefile caused the following exception:
System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
at LibRender2.Objects.VisibleObjectLibrary.ShowObject (OpenBveApi.Objects.ObjectState State, OpenBveApi.Objects.ObjectType Type) [0x0000d] in <76d323737cf749a282a6b7a20ff66222>:0
at OpenBve.Graphics.NewRenderer.InitializeVisibility () [0x00174] in:0
at OpenBve.OpenBVEGame.SetupSimulation () [0x000ea] in:0
at OpenBve.OpenBVEGame.LoadingScreenLoop () [0x001a0] in:0
at OpenBve.OpenBVEGame.OnLoad (System.EventArgs e) [0x000e0] in:0
at OpenTK.GameWindow.OnLoadInternal (System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] in <6764f93f9a3e4037817c5d176911bdea>:0
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run (System.Double updates_per_second, System.Double frames_per_second) [0x0008f] in <6764f93f9a3e4037817c5d176911bdea>:0
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run () [0x00000] in <6764f93f9a3e4037817c5d176911bdea>:0
at OpenBve.MainLoop.StartLoopEx (OpenBve.formMain+MainDialogResult result) [0x001d0] in:0
at OpenBve.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x004d9] in:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in :0
at OpenBve.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in:0
Current program memory usage: 272,88mb
System memory free: 0mb
openBVE Log: 2020-04-25 07:32:43
07:32:43 Using openGL 1.2 (old) renderer
07:32:43 Initialising game window of size 960 x 600
07:32:43 Game window initialised successfully.
07:32:43 Initialising the default shaders failed- Falling back to legacy openGL.
07:32:43 Initialising the touch shader failed- Falling back to legacy openGL.
07:32:43 Loading route file: /usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Route/Birmingham_Cross-City_South/Day/323_Spring_2005_1128_Dry_Cloudy.csv
07:32:43 INFO: Route file hash 5FAF779BCF4E0040C11FC845147695CF20A505C87E29FA9E816CCB37104D1737
07:32:43 /usr/share/games/bve/Railway : Railway folder found.
07:32:43 Route file format is: CSV
07:32:43 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/lib/openbve/Data/In-game/loadingbkg_4.png" is denied.
07:32:43 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/lib/openbve/Data/In-game/logo_256.png" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow34.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow32.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow30.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 The Signal with an index of 3 has been declared twice: The most recent declaration will be used.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg2.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg5.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg1.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg3.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg4.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg0.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 The Signal with an index of 4 has been declared twice: The most recent declaration will be used.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat1.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat5.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat2.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat4.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat0.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat3.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 The Signal with an index of 5 has been declared twice: The most recent declaration will be used.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl4.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl3.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl2.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl0.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow2gy2.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow2gy4.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow2gy0.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg2.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg5.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg1.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg3.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg4.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg0.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg2.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg4.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg3.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg5.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg0.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg1.bmp" is denied.
07:32:52 Route file loaded successfully.
07:32:52 Loading player train: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323
07:32:52 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 The #ACCELERATION section defines 8 curves, but the #HANDLE section defines 4 power notches in /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 Loading sound.cfg file: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
07:32:52 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 79 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
07:32:52 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 80 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
07:32:52 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 81 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
07:32:52 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 82 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
07:32:52 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 92 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
07:32:52 Loading train panel: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/panel.animated
07:32:52 INFO: This train contains both a 2D and a 3D panel. The 3D panel will always take precedence
07:32:52 Train panel loaded sucessfully.
07:32:52 The #ACCELERATION section defines 0 curves, but the #HANDLE section defines 8 power notches in /usr/lib/openbve/Data/Compatibility/PreTrain/train.dat
07:32:52 The route and train loader encountered the following critical error: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
07:32:52 WARNING: Program crashing. Creating CrashLog file: /home/tommy/.config/OpenBve/Settings/OpenBVE Crash- 2020.4.25[07.32].log
07:32:53 WARNING: Unrecognised key #restartarguments detected in filesystem.cfg
Please I need Your help!
I should ask you for help.
The installation is done according to the instructions available for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
Mono and OpenBVE are installed.
This is my computer spec:
I can open OpenBVE:
And when I press START, OpenBVE starts loading "Loading route...Loading train...".
Now something strange is happening. It loads "Loading route" and starts loading "Loading train".
And I'm not sure Open BVE loads everything to 100%. But then the above picture disappears.
And I'll come back to the first picture.
I made an "openBVE Bug Report 25_04_2020" and copied it:
2020-04-25 07:32:52
OpenBVE Crash Log
Program is running on the Linux backend
Current screen resolution is: Windowed 960px X 600px
Current routefile is: /usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Route/Birmingham_Cross-City_South/Day/323_Spring_2005_1128_Dry_Cloudy.csv
Current train is: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323
Current train plugin is: OpenBveAts.dll
The current routefile caused the following exception:
System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
at LibRender2.Objects.VisibleObjectLibrary.ShowObject (OpenBveApi.Objects.ObjectState State, OpenBveApi.Objects.ObjectType Type) [0x0000d] in <76d323737cf749a282a6b7a20ff66222>:0
at OpenBve.Graphics.NewRenderer.InitializeVisibility () [0x00174] in
at OpenBve.OpenBVEGame.SetupSimulation () [0x000ea] in
at OpenBve.OpenBVEGame.LoadingScreenLoop () [0x001a0] in
at OpenBve.OpenBVEGame.OnLoad (System.EventArgs e) [0x000e0] in
at OpenTK.GameWindow.OnLoadInternal (System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] in <6764f93f9a3e4037817c5d176911bdea>:0
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run (System.Double updates_per_second, System.Double frames_per_second) [0x0008f] in <6764f93f9a3e4037817c5d176911bdea>:0
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run () [0x00000] in <6764f93f9a3e4037817c5d176911bdea>:0
at OpenBve.MainLoop.StartLoopEx (OpenBve.formMain+MainDialogResult result) [0x001d0] in
at OpenBve.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x004d9] in
at OpenBve.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in
Current program memory usage: 272,88mb
System memory free: 0mb
openBVE Log: 2020-04-25 07:32:43
07:32:43 Using openGL 1.2 (old) renderer
07:32:43 Initialising game window of size 960 x 600
07:32:43 Game window initialised successfully.
07:32:43 Initialising the default shaders failed- Falling back to legacy openGL.
07:32:43 Initialising the touch shader failed- Falling back to legacy openGL.
07:32:43 Loading route file: /usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Route/Birmingham_Cross-City_South/Day/323_Spring_2005_1128_Dry_Cloudy.csv
07:32:43 INFO: Route file hash 5FAF779BCF4E0040C11FC845147695CF20A505C87E29FA9E816CCB37104D1737
07:32:43 /usr/share/games/bve/Railway : Railway folder found.
07:32:43 Route file format is: CSV
07:32:43 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/lib/openbve/Data/In-game/loadingbkg_4.png" is denied.
07:32:43 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/lib/openbve/Data/In-game/logo_256.png" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow34.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow32.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow30.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 The Signal with an index of 3 has been declared twice: The most recent declaration will be used.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg2.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg5.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg1.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg3.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg4.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg0.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 The Signal with an index of 4 has been declared twice: The most recent declaration will be used.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat1.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat5.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat2.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat4.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat0.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat3.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 The Signal with an index of 5 has been declared twice: The most recent declaration will be used.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl4.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl3.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl2.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl0.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow2gy2.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow2gy4.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow2gy0.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg2.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg5.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg1.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg3.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg4.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg0.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg2.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg4.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg3.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg5.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg0.bmp" is denied.
07:32:50 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg1.bmp" is denied.
07:32:52 Route file loaded successfully.
07:32:52 Loading player train: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323
07:32:52 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 The #ACCELERATION section defines 8 curves, but the #HANDLE section defines 4 power notches in /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
07:32:52 Loading sound.cfg file: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
07:32:52 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 79 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
07:32:52 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 80 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
07:32:52 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 81 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
07:32:52 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 82 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
07:32:52 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 92 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
07:32:52 Loading train panel: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/panel.animated
07:32:52 INFO: This train contains both a 2D and a 3D panel. The 3D panel will always take precedence
07:32:52 Train panel loaded sucessfully.
07:32:52 The #ACCELERATION section defines 0 curves, but the #HANDLE section defines 8 power notches in /usr/lib/openbve/Data/Compatibility/PreTrain/train.dat
07:32:52 The route and train loader encountered the following critical error: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
07:32:52 WARNING: Program crashing. Creating CrashLog file: /home/tommy/.config/OpenBve/Settings/OpenBVE Crash- 2020.4.25[07.32].log
07:32:53 WARNING: Unrecognised key #restartarguments detected in filesystem.cfg
Please I need Your help!
Gubben i Kalmar- Posts : 8
Join date : 2020-04-24
Location : Kalmar Sweden
Re: OpenBVE Crash
The issues you have found are probably the same issues discussed in the topics below.
Your problem may be resolved by the pull request below.
Please try the latest development version.
This is probably because your computer does not support OpenGL 3.x...
Your problem may be resolved by the pull request below.
Please try the latest development version.
This is probably because your computer does not support OpenGL 3.x...
Re: OpenBVE Crash
I installed OpenGL on my computer according to the following instruction:
Now lets see How to install OpenGL on out Ubuntu OS.
Now because GLUT (OpenGL Utility Toolkit) depends upon OpenGL and a number of other related libraries, if we install GLUT then OpenGL will be automatically be installed.
Run the following commands to install OpenGL.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev
But it is still the same problem.
I copy a new "bug report" so you can see if there is something else wrong:
2020-04-26 08:11:52
OpenBVE Crash Log
Program is running on the Linux backend
Current screen resolution is: Windowed 960px X 600px
Current routefile is: /usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Route/Birmingham_Cross-City_South/Day/323_Spring_2005_1128_Dry_Cloudy.csv
Current train is: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323
Current train plugin is: OpenBveAts.dll
The current routefile caused the following exception:
System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
at LibRender2.Objects.VisibleObjectLibrary.ShowObject (OpenBveApi.Objects.ObjectState State, OpenBveApi.Objects.ObjectType Type) [0x0000d] in <76d323737cf749a282a6b7a20ff66222>:0
at OpenBve.Graphics.NewRenderer.InitializeVisibility () [0x00174] in:0
at OpenBve.OpenBVEGame.SetupSimulation () [0x000ea] in:0
at OpenBve.OpenBVEGame.LoadingScreenLoop () [0x001a0] in:0
at OpenBve.OpenBVEGame.OnLoad (System.EventArgs e) [0x000e0] in:0
at OpenTK.GameWindow.OnLoadInternal (System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] in <6764f93f9a3e4037817c5d176911bdea>:0
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run (System.Double updates_per_second, System.Double frames_per_second) [0x0008f] in <6764f93f9a3e4037817c5d176911bdea>:0
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run () [0x00000] in <6764f93f9a3e4037817c5d176911bdea>:0
at OpenBve.MainLoop.StartLoopEx (OpenBve.formMain+MainDialogResult result) [0x001d0] in:0
at OpenBve.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x004d9] in:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in :0
at OpenBve.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in:0
Current program memory usage: 272,5mb
System memory free: 0mb
openBVE Log: 2020-04-26 08:11:42
08:11:42 Using openGL 1.2 (old) renderer
08:11:42 Initialising game window of size 960 x 600
08:11:42 Game window initialised successfully.
08:11:42 Initialising the default shaders failed- Falling back to legacy openGL.
08:11:42 Initialising the touch shader failed- Falling back to legacy openGL.
08:11:42 Loading route file: /usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Route/Birmingham_Cross-City_South/Day/323_Spring_2005_1128_Dry_Cloudy.csv
08:11:42 INFO: Route file hash 5FAF779BCF4E0040C11FC845147695CF20A505C87E29FA9E816CCB37104D1737
08:11:42 /usr/share/games/bve/Railway : Railway folder found.
08:11:42 Route file format is: CSV
08:11:42 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/lib/openbve/Data/In-game/loadingbkg_5.png" is denied.
08:11:42 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/lib/openbve/Data/In-game/logo_256.png" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow34.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow32.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow30.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 The Signal with an index of 3 has been declared twice: The most recent declaration will be used.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg2.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg5.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg1.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg3.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg4.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg0.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 The Signal with an index of 4 has been declared twice: The most recent declaration will be used.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat1.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat5.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat2.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat4.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat0.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat3.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 The Signal with an index of 5 has been declared twice: The most recent declaration will be used.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl4.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl3.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl2.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl0.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow2gy2.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow2gy4.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow2gy0.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg2.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg5.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg1.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg3.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg4.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg0.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg2.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg4.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg3.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg5.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg0.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg1.bmp" is denied.
08:11:51 Route file loaded successfully.
08:11:51 Loading player train: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323
08:11:51 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 The #ACCELERATION section defines 8 curves, but the #HANDLE section defines 4 power notches in /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 Loading sound.cfg file: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
08:11:51 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 79 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
08:11:51 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 80 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
08:11:51 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 81 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
08:11:51 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 82 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
08:11:51 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 92 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
08:11:51 Loading train panel: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/panel.animated
08:11:51 INFO: This train contains both a 2D and a 3D panel. The 3D panel will always take precedence
08:11:52 Train panel loaded sucessfully.
08:11:52 The #ACCELERATION section defines 0 curves, but the #HANDLE section defines 8 power notches in /usr/lib/openbve/Data/Compatibility/PreTrain/train.dat
08:11:52 The route and train loader encountered the following critical error: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
08:11:52 WARNING: Program crashing. Creating CrashLog file: /home/tommy/.config/OpenBve/Settings/OpenBVE Crash- 2020.4.26[08.11].log
08:11:52 WARNING: Unrecognised key #restartarguments detected in filesystem.cfg
Or is it so simple that my office computer has such hardware that OpenBVE cannot be run?
I installed OpenGL on my computer according to the following instruction:
Now lets see How to install OpenGL on out Ubuntu OS.
Now because GLUT (OpenGL Utility Toolkit) depends upon OpenGL and a number of other related libraries, if we install GLUT then OpenGL will be automatically be installed.
Run the following commands to install OpenGL.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev
1 2 |
I copy a new "bug report" so you can see if there is something else wrong:
2020-04-26 08:11:52
OpenBVE Crash Log
Program is running on the Linux backend
Current screen resolution is: Windowed 960px X 600px
Current routefile is: /usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Route/Birmingham_Cross-City_South/Day/323_Spring_2005_1128_Dry_Cloudy.csv
Current train is: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323
Current train plugin is: OpenBveAts.dll
The current routefile caused the following exception:
System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
at LibRender2.Objects.VisibleObjectLibrary.ShowObject (OpenBveApi.Objects.ObjectState State, OpenBveApi.Objects.ObjectType Type) [0x0000d] in <76d323737cf749a282a6b7a20ff66222>:0
at OpenBve.Graphics.NewRenderer.InitializeVisibility () [0x00174] in
at OpenBve.OpenBVEGame.SetupSimulation () [0x000ea] in
at OpenBve.OpenBVEGame.LoadingScreenLoop () [0x001a0] in
at OpenBve.OpenBVEGame.OnLoad (System.EventArgs e) [0x000e0] in
at OpenTK.GameWindow.OnLoadInternal (System.EventArgs e) [0x00000] in <6764f93f9a3e4037817c5d176911bdea>:0
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run (System.Double updates_per_second, System.Double frames_per_second) [0x0008f] in <6764f93f9a3e4037817c5d176911bdea>:0
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run () [0x00000] in <6764f93f9a3e4037817c5d176911bdea>:0
at OpenBve.MainLoop.StartLoopEx (OpenBve.formMain+MainDialogResult result) [0x001d0] in
at OpenBve.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x004d9] in
at OpenBve.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in
Current program memory usage: 272,5mb
System memory free: 0mb
openBVE Log: 2020-04-26 08:11:42
08:11:42 Using openGL 1.2 (old) renderer
08:11:42 Initialising game window of size 960 x 600
08:11:42 Game window initialised successfully.
08:11:42 Initialising the default shaders failed- Falling back to legacy openGL.
08:11:42 Initialising the touch shader failed- Falling back to legacy openGL.
08:11:42 Loading route file: /usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Route/Birmingham_Cross-City_South/Day/323_Spring_2005_1128_Dry_Cloudy.csv
08:11:42 INFO: Route file hash 5FAF779BCF4E0040C11FC845147695CF20A505C87E29FA9E816CCB37104D1737
08:11:42 /usr/share/games/bve/Railway : Railway folder found.
08:11:42 Route file format is: CSV
08:11:42 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/lib/openbve/Data/In-game/loadingbkg_5.png" is denied.
08:11:42 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/lib/openbve/Data/In-game/logo_256.png" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow34.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow32.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow30.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 The Signal with an index of 3 has been declared twice: The most recent declaration will be used.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg2.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg5.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg1.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg3.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg4.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg0.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 The Signal with an index of 4 has been declared twice: The most recent declaration will be used.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat1.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat5.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat2.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat4.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat0.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowrepeat3.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 The Signal with an index of 5 has been declared twice: The most recent declaration will be used.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl4.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl3.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl2.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4ygfeatherl0.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow2gy2.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow2gy4.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow2gy0.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg2.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg5.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg1.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg3.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg4.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glow4yg0.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg2.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg4.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg3.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg5.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg0.bmp" is denied.
08:11:49 Plugin Texture.Dds.dll raised the following exception at CanLoadTexture:Access to the path "/usr/share/games/bve/Railway/Object/Bham_X-City_South/BrSigs/glowgroundrepeater4yg1.bmp" is denied.
08:11:51 Route file loaded successfully.
08:11:51 Loading player train: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323
08:11:51 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 7 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 8 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 9 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 a0 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 a1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v1 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 v2 in section #ACCELERATION is expected to be greater than zero at line 10 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 The #ACCELERATION section defines 8 curves, but the #HANDLE section defines 4 power notches in /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/train.dat
08:11:51 Loading sound.cfg file: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
08:11:51 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 79 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
08:11:51 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 80 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
08:11:51 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 81 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
08:11:51 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 82 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
08:11:51 FileName contains illegal characters or is empty at line 92 in file /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/sound.cfg
08:11:51 Loading train panel: /usr/share/games/bve/Train/BR_Class_323/panel.animated
08:11:51 INFO: This train contains both a 2D and a 3D panel. The 3D panel will always take precedence
08:11:52 Train panel loaded sucessfully.
08:11:52 The #ACCELERATION section defines 0 curves, but the #HANDLE section defines 8 power notches in /usr/lib/openbve/Data/Compatibility/PreTrain/train.dat
08:11:52 The route and train loader encountered the following critical error: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
08:11:52 WARNING: Program crashing. Creating CrashLog file: /home/tommy/.config/OpenBve/Settings/OpenBVE Crash- 2020.4.26[08.11].log
08:11:52 WARNING: Unrecognised key #restartarguments detected in filesystem.cfg
Or is it so simple that my office computer has such hardware that OpenBVE cannot be run?
Gubben i Kalmar- Posts : 8
Join date : 2020-04-24
Location : Kalmar Sweden
Re: OpenBVE Crash
Have you tried nightly builds?
Please help us to find the cause.
Then check if your hardware supports OpenGL 3.3 with the command below.
Please help us to find the cause.
Then check if your hardware supports OpenGL 3.3 with the command below.
- Code:
glxinfo | grep OpenGL
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