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Network West Midlands

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Network West Midlands Empty Network West Midlands

Post by Stevegr Mon May 01, 2017 8:29 pm

After many many hours of work I can now announce that my new route NWM is now available here.

Note it's a Work In Progress, but it does give you a chance to see how far its evolved 

Ok, someone else made it bar some route objects by me.

Also BVETMD is back up......


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by call2 Mon May 01, 2017 10:20 pm

Yes, NWM has a new home for the release of a series of work in progress routes. I cannot find a quicker way of getting NWM out into the community at present. The existing Trainsimstuff website will continue with the present 2014/15 release, and may eventually return to the hosting of a full updated NWM release.

Stevegr has always produced a great deal of locomotives and stock for OpenBVE, and without it NWM would be a very bare set of routes. So it makes sense to pool resources - in the true spirit of OpenBVE - and work together to improve this great FREE rail simulator.

So far, this release has only a few diagrams for the 2001-2005 era. I am still busy with scenery, so some of it looks like the Outback, but it will improve over the coming months. For the time being just enjoy driving what is available and there will be some new diagrams and completed scenery soon.

I would be interested to see how the latest v1.5.0 version of OpenBVE performs with the quite large routefiles.



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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by MattD6R Tue May 02, 2017 1:46 pm

I gave this update a go using the 1.5.0 version of OpenBVE without issues. It was a bit slow (up to a minute) to load but reasonable considering the size of the routes. Framerates were good (around 20 to 50+ fps). Nice work on the update and it is wonderful to see such an excellent route continuing to be worked on. It's always enjoyable using NWM and many thanks for this work. Very Happy


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by BillEWS Tue May 02, 2017 4:12 pm

I have downloaded all the zip files. As there are 5 downloads for the Objects I hope that I have done right with placing them all into one folder, named NWM _Open. However As all main folders have the same name for Objects, Routes and Sound and that my present NWM folders are also named NWM_Open in the present Objects, Route and Sound folders they will clash when trying to download the new folders. How do I get around this without affecting the present NWM folders? I am really looking forward to seeing the new routes up and running.


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by Stevegr Tue May 02, 2017 7:33 pm

Well Bill,

The best thing to do here is to first off delete all the new files and then download them from the site to a railway folder that you have created in a different location on your computer.

Or just rename your current railway folder to say railway old, add a railway folder to that location on your computer and download them to there.

Just remember that the railway folder also needs three more called route, object and sound within it to locate the downloaded files in.

If you use the first option you only need to find it when you run Open Bve, with the second you need to rename the new railway folder and remove old from the old one.

Hope it helps, but NWM has change quite a bit so you can't really get away mixing old with new.


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by BillEWS Wed May 03, 2017 5:02 pm

Thanks for your comments, Steve, much appreciated.. I have the previous version of OpenBVE and this latest update on my computer. They run as individual versions but with all Object, Route and Train folders in the older version's Window folder. Therefore I decided to place the latest NWM files into a new Window folder in v1.5.0.9 This means I don't have to bother changing anything in the old version folders. As I mentioned, I placed the five Object downloads into the one Object folder. The Train folder only contains the 'trains' required for the updated NWM routes.

I have tried three routes now and all worked very nicely. It was interesting to see the changes made starting away from Mayfield. The OHL an gantries all look nice and neat. There are also numerous passing trains within the routes and Frankley station looks a bit more busy by having a 47 on a parcel train in one platform and a 66 with a train in the opposite siding, while there is a passenger unit parked in the head shunt awaiting it's back working, which is available in an older route file with a tun-back working.

Salford Bridge has the addition of a passenger train running past on the previous old Junction, which shows that that route is actualy working. Perhaps there will be a working route available in time. Just beyond the station there an industrial shunting loco standing in the siding. This all helps make the route look more active and realistic. 

I am getting excellent frame rates so happy with that.

As v1.5.0.9 progresses I will probably swap all routes and files into the new Window folder but for the time being I will keep both version playable.

This is an excellent upgrade, Steve. Many thanks for all the work you have put into it, and to everyone who may have helped you. It is nice to have something new to keep me active on playing OpenBVE.
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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by Stevegr Wed May 03, 2017 7:29 pm

Thanks for the remarks Bill,

I just make the train route objects, Tony Haylor put's them in the route and in a lot more cases than before animates them as passing trains.

So I don't really have that much input in the making of NWM, that's still a TSC Team effort.

Although I've been promoted to being one of the Team in the last couple of years, I had only been making things for eight years when I was! lol.

This June is my tenth year of making things for Bve, doesn't time fly when your having fun!

I should point out that what train objects you see change each time you run NWM, as does the weather and the temporary speed restrictions you might meet.


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by BillEWS Thu May 04, 2017 9:51 am

Yes, I noticed the 'moving' trains on the opposite lines. A very worthy addition. I didn't notice the sky changes but probably need to play the routes a bit more to see them. This is another excellent touch. The one thing I have always felt with all BVE versions is the fact that signalling remains the same. This means that you almost drive automatically as you know signals will always be clear. The daily driving of trains in the real world sets the challenge by not really knowing how signals will be at any particular time. New speed restrictions too, albeit you should always know these beforehand by reading the daily notices when booking on duty. Also the change in visibility depending on the weather. Indeed even the season changes things as some signals and other line side items will be easier to see in the Winter months than in the maximum growth of Summer.

I always find it surprising how the years suddenly appear to have just flown past. It still feels like just last week that I retired. 42 years on the railway plus 11 years of retirement have simply just flown past. Just as if if someone had suddenly hit the fast-forward button!

Thanks for pointing out al those who work on the updates. I always try to show that I understand that there is generally others involved apart from the actual author of any particular route or item.


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by MattD6R Thu May 04, 2017 12:19 pm

I have driven a few more runs and these work very well with newest builds of 1.5.0 version of OpenBVE. I like the changes that have been made and also the addition before Maybank station which starts the route very well. To me the variability and randomised features makes driving NWM so enjoyable and I am never tired of it. This makes it feel very real when driving the routes in addition to needing to have the route knowledge to drive it well and the different characteristics of different types of traction. And as a result adjusting your driving technique to the type of train you handling, speed limits, gradients, signalling and TSRs.

So many thanks again for your and others work on the great work on this route and the same also with your trains.


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by Stuz Sun May 07, 2017 5:50 am

       I agree with MattD6Rs sentiments. I am running v1.4.36, and am getting 60FPS. The only thing apparent to me so far is some graphic "flashing" on the OHLE gantries and walls at Maybank. Anyone have any ideas what may be causing this? Its not a biggie though.
       I have followed NWM for many years and I am so pleased that the team has produced such a great update. My grateful thanks for all the rolling stock as well.
                                                      Regards  Stu


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by BillEWS Sun May 07, 2017 10:18 am

Thanks for mentioning that fault, Stuz. I have noticed those momentary flashes too but couldn't be sure if it was just on my computer.One of the flashes is a bit larger than the others. It occurs very briefly.


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by MattD6R Sun May 07, 2017 11:59 am

I do get the flashing at Maybank on the walls and some other places like the platform surfaces. That is caused by overlapping textures touching each other. I don't get any brief flashes or I haven't noticed this type of issue on the OHLE.


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by Stevegr Sun May 07, 2017 12:52 pm

The instructions found on the trainsimstuff NWM download page.

Still apply with this WIP version, so pressing F11 to enable back culling will remove most of it and the rest are still being worked on!


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by nallenbrown Sun May 07, 2017 6:43 pm

I see you've added a TPWS grid before Quarry Bank. Now I can't approach the speed board at 50 mph and brake at the last second lol. Lovely route before and now!

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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by Stuz Mon May 08, 2017 5:30 am

Thanks Steve. With backface culling on warning signs on platforms also show up.
                       Regards  Stu.


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by Stevegr Mon May 08, 2017 10:01 pm

On another note.

This WIP version of NWM has a totally different set of textures used in it that from the ones that did have ownership problems before.

If you have been around a bit you might know what I mean!

In fact the whole of the Object file can be used in any way you see fit.

All that's asked is that you don't remove any of the credits for the many people that mean we can make this stuff.

Or but another way use but leave alone, unless you make them better then add your name to the credits!

That of course includes all the train object files I've made.


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by Stuz Tue May 09, 2017 5:07 am

     Some years ago there was a branch line being worked on off the Main at Clifton Greenbridge. Is this branch line likely to be in the upgrade plans?

                                                                                                Regards  Stu


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by Stevegr Thu May 11, 2017 7:25 pm

I am sure Tony will not mind me saying that all the previously planned new routes will happen, quite a bit of work has been done on one of them.

But when?

I can't say.

The revised Maybank needs a lot more work and in places all that new OHLE needs quite a few tweaks.

Although I've failed to notice were those tweaks are!

Also I need to stop making train objects for it so he does not feel he needs to include them!

So slowing him down a bit as he adds them to

Tony's not replying as he's on 'happy hols' or vacation for the rest of the world! 

At the top resort of Barry Island.

Ok maybe not Barry............


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by Stuz Fri May 12, 2017 3:17 am

Thanks for the info Steve. Good news!
                                                               Regards  Stu


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by rick1984 Thu May 25, 2017 11:17 pm

Great that this is back! Unfortunately not currently able to run BVE!


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by fas Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:03 pm

the route is still downloadable?

I've tried to open this link but I can not download the files.

Thank you.


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by SP1900 Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:48 am

fas wrote:Hello,
the route is still downloadable?

I've tried to open this link but I can not download the files.

Thank you.
The route has been updated to its 2018 version

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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by Stevegr Tue Sep 11, 2018 6:56 pm

An error on my part.

Because I failed to update this thread.

This is the current link.

The 2017 version has been withdrawn.

This one has even more added to it so is even bigger than the 2017 release!

Although you could find this out by looking at the links page on my site.........

Always worth a look.


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by ap1991 Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:24 am

If anyone is interested, I created the Central Trains green and blue class 150 texture used in NWM many years ago and I've just came across the original photos used to create it, so I've given it a bit of a refresh, download for the files are on dropbox, links below, just drop the images into the NWM train folder.


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Network West Midlands Empty Re: Network West Midlands

Post by Guest Fri Nov 02, 2018 5:42 pm

Just interested Steve, has any map progress been made?


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