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Now ALL signals stuck at red!

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Now ALL signals stuck at red! Empty Now ALL signals stuck at red!

Post by james143611 Sat May 12, 2012 1:14 am

Hello all,

I'm not quite new as I've been on the OpenBVE forums before, but I found a link elsewhere pointing to this site, wonderful and thank you for it being here! I tried one before on BVEstation or something, and the bot questions were hard for me and I never got in...a bit too many questions on there I think!


I've been giving the wonderful Blighton - Treston Park an overhaul with working AWS for BVE trains and coming up with some diagrams with randomiser codes for weather like rain and fog. Trying to work on darkness too but at the moment I'm sorting out the AWS commands.

I haven't used it before but I have the .Beacon 44000;1;1;0 working fine and it 'pings' when passing the ramp on a green. I can't quite understand how it works for a Advance Warning Board ramp where a permanent AWS horn would sound. The railsimroutes guide suggests .Beacon 44000;1;0;180 (Beacon index 1 is AWSmagnet_1) and when I pass over it when testing, it pings, is there something wrong with that code?

Also, I can't find out how to do a signal check on the approach to Hattle with a 4 aspect signal. I am using BRsigs which work everywhere so far, so I tried index 56, 4aspect_Y_approachcontrol. When I use this, it disappears so I'm unsure how it works to be honest.

One final thing on BRsigs, which index number would be the one for a 3 aspect left hand feather unlit please? I tried index number 10, but the route is not set to the left, it's straight on however the feather is lit either case...

Any help would be highly appreciated!

Oh and by the way, I can't comment on a release for this as I'm doing it for my use, so I have a home for my BVE4 electric fleet, but I might have a word with the author if he would like to see a version for the electric fleet with some additional diagrams!



Last edited by james143611 on Mon May 14, 2012 10:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Now ALL signals stuck at red! Empty Re: Now ALL signals stuck at red!

Post by LabRatAndy Sat May 12, 2012 11:13 am

The information on Anthony's site is right however, that is only for trains using his plugin. Almost all uk trains use a legacy win32 plugin (ukspt/ukdt/ukmu.dlls) which use slightly different beacons and meanings for them. Anthony's site I believe does document those differences in the legacy section.

For an advance warning magnet try using
 .beacon 44001;1;0;0,


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Now ALL signals stuck at red! Empty Re: Now ALL signals stuck at red!

Post by joeyfjj Sat May 12, 2012 8:09 pm

I have the UKxxt.dll download, originally from TSC - there's the document for the UKSpt plugin in it,which describes track beacons, among others.


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Now ALL signals stuck at red! Empty Re: Now ALL signals stuck at red!

Post by james143611 Mon May 14, 2012 10:46 pm

Thank you SO much for all your help! Much appreciated!

I've got my AWBs to come up with a warning and my signals go 'Bing'. I've also changed the feathers to be unlit as I realised I could do this with the unlit feather objects.

I did a couple of test runs and the signals were ok, so I changed the value in the Hattle .sta line to 1 (next to the doors open side value) so the starter signal would be red, so the next time I started EVERY signal was locked to red!

I changed the same value back to 0 on the .sta Hattle line in case, randomly it broke it, and it's all still locked to red.

Otherwise, all I've added is a 465 static in Hattle bay platform, and a 11 car 377 on the Blighton track after the tunnel after Hattle on the Treston Park side.

There is no pre train command or anything like that in either, and I can find any other related problems on here using the search box or searching through Google, so I don't know if any one on here knows by any chance?



P.S Thank you once again for the previous help Smile


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Now ALL signals stuck at red! Empty Re: Now ALL signals stuck at red!

Post by graymac Tue May 15, 2012 12:23 pm

Does increasing the run interval in the routespace make any difference at all? The pretrain instruction may not be used but that won't mean the pretrain isn't there and blocking section.

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Now ALL signals stuck at red! Empty Re: Now ALL signals stuck at red!

Post by Northern Line Tue May 15, 2012 1:29 pm

what does .pretrain do?
Northern Line
Northern Line

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Now ALL signals stuck at red! Empty Re: Now ALL signals stuck at red!

Post by graymac Tue May 15, 2012 1:53 pm

From the bible:-

Track.PreTrain Time
Time: The time at which the pretrain is at this track position.
This commands creates a position-time-association for an invisible preceding train in order to influence signalling. Contrary to a real preceding train as created by Route.RunInterval, the invisible preceding train created by Track.PreTrain is a way of scripting where the invisible preceding train is at any given time. The position-time-associations must be in increasing order, that is, at a later track position, the associated time must also be later. Before the first scripted time, the invisible preceding train resides at the first scripted position. In-between the first and last scripted time, the invisible preceding train moves (linearly) between the scripted points. After the last scripted time, the invisible preceding train is removed and thus clears signalling.

Or, put it like this, it b***ers up traffic flow and annoys the driver, if you use it cleverly!

I have since been informed, by a respected and trusted source who is unable to post here, this information which I pass on which may be beneficial;

The problem with Blighton is that he used pretrain and run interval.
If you have both it takes ages to load and other problems.
He needs to delete run interval completely.

Last edited by graymac on Tue May 15, 2012 5:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : New information made known)

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Now ALL signals stuck at red! Empty Re: Now ALL signals stuck at red!

Post by james143611 Tue May 15, 2012 7:12 pm

Hello Graymac,

I haven't used the pretrain or interval commands yet as I am testing the run for timings first, then I may experiment with the random code for pretrains. First openbve route I have done, and first proper modding too.

I am editing the original Class 319 stopper, but saved and renamed it to include time and from/to details to make it easier to find, cleared the errors and it worked with greens all the way. But as I say it now is the other end of the scale.

I checked to see if maybe there is some interval code already in there, so I did a Ctrl+F command to find Interval but it found nothing at all, and it cannot find anything under pre or pretrain, so I guess there is absolutely nothing in front?

I can't figure out why it's all locked out all of a sudden, as I say all I did was change the signals that had lit feathers to until ones, and all I did for that was add the left and right hand unlit feather objects to the relevant signals, and changed their index code to 3 for 3 aspect and 4 for 4 aspect (BRsig ones).

All signals are BR sigs bar the semaphores which are the ones with the Southern Electric route, and these worked fine before too, along with the BRsigs which worked fine.

Is there maybe an error in the coding of the signals maybe that causes them all to lock out?



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Now ALL signals stuck at red! Empty Re: Now ALL signals stuck at red!

Post by graymac Tue May 15, 2012 7:51 pm

The "little bird" that gave me the hint has done alterations to that route. I don't know it at all as I never saw it. I'm not best placed to know because I only occasionally lookat other peoples routes and that is always for studying very specific areas of code, not making alterations.
Where I have had signals sticking is when the pretrain is unable to clear the section ahead. It has always been at the end of the route where the difficulty lies. Example: You will approach the terminal station and the signal aspects become more adverse until you are stopped short of the platform by a red. You may see the pretrain sat doing sweet F.A. And there it will continue to sit.
In these cases I found that as long as there were two or three signals AFTER the termination point then the pretrain has somewhere to --off to. Proved by F3/Num9, you can catch it up and see it ahead out of sight. The extra sigs are easily hidden to one side or under the rail.
If there is a run interval specified it will be be something like this:

route.RunInterval 600

or perhaps written like this:

With Route,
.runinterval 600

pretrain instructions will be with the track namespace. See copy of documentaion above.

The other item you should examine are the signal type and section instructions. If you changed signal items it may have caused the problem if the replacement type is not properly referenced in the structure namespace.

I also found this concerning section instructions:
Re: 2 or more red signals

New postby michelle ยป Sun, 19th Sep 2010, 16:25
Just use Track.Section appropriately.

You may currently use Track.Signal in your routes, so the first step would be upgrading to Track.Section + Track.SigF if you don't already use them. For example, for a 3-aspect signal, instead of:

Code: Select all
With Track
1000, .Signal 3; ; x; y


Code: Select all
With Track
1000, .Section 0; 2; 4, .SigF 3; 0; x; y

The key to doing what you want to achieve is understanding what Track.Section does. It creates a new section (obviously) and assigns what aspects the section has. In the example, I used the common 0=red, 2=yellow and 4=green, but you can use other values - just design the signals accordingly then. If the block ahead is occupied, the first aspect (0=red) is used. If one block is free, the second aspect (2=yellow) is used. And if two blocks are free ahead, the third aspect (4=green) is used.

To ensure that there always is one block free between trains, just use:

Code: Select all
With Track
1000, .Section 0; 0; 2; 4, .SigF 3; 0; x; y

This means if the block ahead is occupied, show 0=red, if one block is free, show 0=red, if two blocks are free, show 2=yellow, and if three blocks are free, show 4=green. Of course, for signals other than the 3-aspect signal in the example, you need to use a different repertoire of aspects. Also, be sure to use a compatible signal in Track.SigF. Please consult the documentation on Track.Section and Track.SigF for more details.


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