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semaphore signals

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semaphore signals Empty semaphore signals

Post by jckhinks Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:25 pm

hi guy's is there a way to have signal glow on semaphore signals in bve4.thanks jack Smile

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Age : 74
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semaphore signals Empty Re: semaphore signals

Post by graymac Wed Nov 14, 2012 10:17 pm

BrSema4Sigs do have a "glow" included. Not sure about the earlier versions though. The color light sigs for bve4 had a glow too.
The problem is with editing the old sigs for bve4 is that they are .x file format, very difficult to edit. It's possible to make custom sigs for OpenBVE as "animated" objects, using a combination of .ANIMATED and .csv / .b3d files. But bve4 doesn't work with them.
Bve4 is well past its time now, so nobody's very likely to bring out new material for it now. Old routes will run with Open, new routes won't work backwards. So even if I had time to mess around modifying old bve4 stuff (which I haven't) it wouldn't be worth the bother.

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semaphore signals Empty semaphore signals

Post by jckhinks Wed Nov 14, 2012 10:40 pm

hi graymac thanks for reply worth asking. regards jack Smile

Posts : 172
Join date : 2012-08-22
Age : 74
Location : maltby

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