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openBVE 1.2 vs. openBVE 1.4 comparison

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openBVE 1.2 vs. openBVE 1.4 comparison Empty openBVE 1.2 vs. openBVE 1.4 comparison

Post by Dexter Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:11 pm

Hi folks,

just realized that openBVE does not require any sort of installation, and because of that, we can have two co-existing versions living in neighboring directories. Very Happy Now, it has been claimed everywhere that openBVE 1.4 has a better performance than the older version. I have decided to take a close look on that and here is what I have found:

First Brno Track:
Place fps openBVE 1.2fps openBVE 1.4 comment
Brno, departure about 21.5 fps about 19 fps version 1.2 wins
Lipnice nad Sivou, stop 14 fps 17. 5 fps version 1.4 wins
Flowing river, overbridge 19 fps 21 fps version 1.4 wins

From my point of view, it is interesting that version 1.2 performed better in Brno. What is your experience?

Full screen 1280 x 1024
Drawn distance 600 m
Anisotropic filtering level 16
Motion blur disabled
Diffusion smooth


Posts : 2153
Join date : 2011-07-08
Age : 38
Location : Brno, Czech republic

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