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Train Cab /throttle Controller Purchase suggestion

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Train Cab /throttle Controller Purchase suggestion Empty Train Cab /throttle Controller Purchase suggestion

Post by cluber77 Mon Sep 04, 2023 8:08 pm

Hi to all.

i really need your opinion and suggestion.
my 9 years old boy really like to play OPENBVE and Tram sim games'.
now he asking that we buy for him Cab Controller which simulates the steering wheel and the cab of the train and tram driver.
I have seen many products but all of them are only suitable for airplane simulation games.

Can anyone recommend a product that would be suitable for OPENBVE with easy key mapping and installation? If possible a product that is good and not expensive even if it is from Chinese sales sites
please help me to find for my boy the throttle Controller.



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Join date : 2019-12-07

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Train Cab /throttle Controller Purchase suggestion Empty Re: Train Cab /throttle Controller Purchase suggestion

Post by leezer3 Wed Sep 06, 2023 10:25 am

I'm not certain there's anything cheap available.
Train Sim controllers have always been thin on the ground.

There's the RailDriver, which is c. $200 although you can probably get for cheaper second-hand.

Alternatively, there's the Densha De Go! USB controllers, e.g. but again c. $200
The PlayStation ones may be marginally cheaper, and are supported with an appropriate PlayStation to USB adapter.

If you find anything interesting and reasonably priced, but not supported, please let me know.


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Train Cab /throttle Controller Purchase suggestion Empty Re: Train Cab /throttle Controller Purchase suggestion

Post by Marc Riera Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:43 pm

The easiest controller to get may be the recent Densha de GO controller for the Nintendo Switch, which works natively with OpenBVE plus a handful of Japanese games for the Switch. It was released two years ago, and you can get it brand new from Amazon Japan for around 100 USD (plus shipping and taxes):

As mentioned in the previous post, you could also try some of the old Densha controllers, but they can only be found second hand and may require jumping though a lot of hoops to get them out of Japan. The non-USB versions are usually cheaper than the USB controllers, but require adapters to connect them to a PC.

Marc Riera

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Join date : 2015-12-21
Location : Barcelona, Spain

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