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Confused about throttle in a route

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Confused about throttle in a route Empty Confused about throttle in a route

Post by infinity Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:10 pm

Hi everyone,

I have installed the MTR South Island Line ( route that comes with rolling stock specifically for that route (that is fully automatic). The tutorial to operate the automatic train says to change the reverser to N and the throttle to EB. I'm confused about this because I've never seen an "EB" throttle, only B1-3, N, and P1-4. Any help would be appreciated!


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Join date : 2023-08-18

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Confused about throttle in a route Empty Re: Confused about throttle in a route

Post by Lord_Z01 Fri Aug 18, 2023 11:07 pm

When in doubt...
Ctrl + A to sort it out


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Join date : 2023-07-24

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Confused about throttle in a route Empty Re: Confused about throttle in a route

Post by leezer3 Sat Aug 19, 2023 9:32 am

The instructions are correct, assuming you haven't altered the default ATS keys.
Please also note that this will only work on Windows- The train will drive 'normally' on other systems.


This route uses a train plugin to simulate the auto-control system. (Uncommon, but there we are....)
Manually driving the route will not work as-is, and the instructions should be followed, even though the on-screen HUD will be wrong.
I don't think CTRL+A will actually work in this case, although I can probably add a fix / workaround for this in later builds.

If you want to manually drive the train, please enter the train folder MTR SIL C-train EMU-FAO and delete the file files\ats.dll
Alternatively, using any other train will drive entirely normally.


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Confused about throttle in a route Empty Re: Confused about throttle in a route

Post by leezer3 Sat Aug 19, 2023 10:05 am

This build should have a working AI.


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