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OpenBVE Joystick Configuration

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OpenBVE Joystick Configuration  Empty OpenBVE Joystick Configuration

Post by subway4832 Sun May 08, 2022 10:28 pm

Hello, I am currently having a problem with one of my joysticks for OpenBVE. Whenever I plug it in, nothing shows up in the joystick section, it is blank. It is not a raildriver, but a custom made joystick so maybe there is something I need to download? Thanks in advance


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Join date : 2019-04-23

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OpenBVE Joystick Configuration  Empty Re: OpenBVE Joystick Configuration

Post by leezer3 Tue May 10, 2022 8:48 am

Nothing to download I'm afraid, so the initial stance would be that it isn't going to work.

Can you share which joystick controller board you're using?
I've got a bunch of stuff and some Arduinos floating around, so might be able to do something.


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Join date : 2011-08-23

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