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Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds

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Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds Empty Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds

Post by jpnmtrmn93 Thu Oct 25, 2018 7:07 am

What I am trying to do is use the default sounds (like Ding.wav, EB.wav, halt.wav, etc.). However, I am not sure what index is for which sound in the ATS section.

I tried using AtsPluginEditor, and it works for an old train I updated, but I also had to update the route with a ton of transponders (it was a full high speed route, about 400 km, so just imagine...). I want to get around updating the route this time, and not use AtsPluginEditor. Anyone have an idea of what indexes I should use to include these sounds?

(By the way, if it hasn't been posted here yet, here is AtsPluginEditor - documentation is in Japanese, and Google Translate is not that great)


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Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds Empty Re: Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds

Post by leezer3 Thu Oct 25, 2018 10:58 am

The default ATS sounds are only loaded when using no custom plugin and no sound.cfg file.

The [ATS] section in the sound.cfg file is a totally different beast, and just allows developers to set an arbritrary number of sounds to be played when the plugin calls for the specific index.


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Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds Empty Re: Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds

Post by jpnmtrmn93 Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:26 am

Sorry, I should have said that the train has its own ATS/ATC default sounds. The built-in ATS plugin is what I would like to know more about. What indexes do I use for the default plugin (i.e. OpenBVE/Data/Plugins/OpenBveAts.dll), and what does each index map to? For example, which index is for the EB alarm, or for the ATC bell, or for the station stop sound (halt.wav)?


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Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds Empty Re: Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds

Post by leezer3 Sat Oct 27, 2018 4:49 pm

They're hardcoded.
In the documentation somewhere under sound.cfg IIRC, but I can't link off the phone..


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Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds Empty Re: Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds

Post by jpnmtrmn93 Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:51 am

I looked in sound.cfg and Default sounds, but I cannot find any indexes.

(EDIT) I was able to successfully test six indices. Here are my results.

0 = Ats.wav
1 = AtsCnt.wav
2 = Ding.wav
3 = ToATS.wav
4 = ToATC.wav
5 = Eb.wav

I am now only missing halt.wav. I made sure to check the train.dat file if the PassAlarm under #Device is 1 or 2, and I also made sure to check within a route file that the fourth variable in a Track.Sta statement is 1. I have not been able to find it as of yet. Looking at other trains, I am convinced that the index is 6, but it has not worked yet for me.


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Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds Empty Re: Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds

Post by leezer3 Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:10 am

Looking in the code, halt.wav appears to be only ever used for trains without a sound.cfg

Today's build allows this to be set in the [Others] section of the sound.cfg as follows:
Halt = halt.wav


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Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds Empty Re: Sound.cfg ATS section configuration for default sounds

Post by jpnmtrmn93 Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:59 pm

Wow! I never saw that in the documentation! Must have just been added. Thanks for your help!


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