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Now! the OpenBVE's Motor and Brake sound tracks are become unlimited !!!!!

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Now! the OpenBVE's Motor and Brake sound tracks are become unlimited !!!!! Empty Now! the OpenBVE's Motor and Brake sound tracks are become unlimited !!!!!

Post by Midnight Express Ginga81 Tue Sep 28, 2021 9:29 am

E.T.Master, he created the greatest DLL for OpenBVE!

His DLL can play is as Bve5 / 6 sounds!
His DLL can play that motor and brake sound's tracks are "UNLIMITED"!
And, this DLL is not limit of the 0.2km / s sound!
And, his DLL can set reverb and more!
At the outer-view, this DLL can play sepalate with motor and trailer car!
For example, if a train is TMMTTMMT, at the outer-view, motor sound can hear at the M car only!

The name of DLL is 'Five Motor Sound' !!!!!!!!!!

Please hear their motor and brake sounds!
Creator of E.T.Master's Youtube!

The another person also use FMS!

I created a tutorial of how to use this DLL, and Mr. F81_tec200 translated to English this document.
Please read this document, and create unlimited motor and brake sound!

This is a sample train with tutorial.

To Mr.leeser3
He say that if you can include this function to OpenBVE, the function source code license is decided by leeser3, and code to copyright waiver donation for the project.
Can you include this?

All of the WorldWide's user, I think this function is incredibely useful!
Please push a lot of LIKE Button for include this function to OpenBVE!!!!

Midnight Express Ginga81

Posts : 154
Join date : 2016-09-25

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Now! the OpenBVE's Motor and Brake sound tracks are become unlimited !!!!! Empty Re: Now! the OpenBVE's Motor and Brake sound tracks are become unlimited !!!!!

Post by leezer3 Tue Sep 28, 2021 10:37 am

Unlimited motor / brake tracks are technically easy in-game Smile

The biggest issue has always been that the editors & existing formats don't support them without major additions, and that means that it's a mess for users to add them.
I've basically held back from doing this until the full XML train format got completed and added to the editors, as the more features we stuff into the existing train.dat, the bigger mess it becomes.

S520 was working on this, but unfortunately he's still not available at the minute Sad

Adding the BVE5 motor sounds is a very nice little addition, and something we can quite probably use in the main game. I'll have a closer look at this soon.


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Now! the OpenBVE's Motor and Brake sound tracks are become unlimited !!!!! Empty Re: Now! the OpenBVE's Motor and Brake sound tracks are become unlimited !!!!!

Post by Delsin Sun Oct 03, 2021 5:54 pm

This is really promising, however really looking forward for this feature supported natively by Openbve itself.
As well as other sound fixes and improvements I've mentined earlier here

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Now! the OpenBVE's Motor and Brake sound tracks are become unlimited !!!!! Empty Re: Now! the OpenBVE's Motor and Brake sound tracks are become unlimited !!!!!

Post by Midnight Express Ginga81 Mon Nov 29, 2021 9:31 pm
His site's address has been changed.

Midnight Express Ginga81

Posts : 154
Join date : 2016-09-25

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Now! the OpenBVE's Motor and Brake sound tracks are become unlimited !!!!! Empty Re: Now! the OpenBVE's Motor and Brake sound tracks are become unlimited !!!!!

Post by Midnight Express Ginga81 Sun Dec 26, 2021 12:59 pm

Today, new version released.
Breaker included!

Midnight Express Ginga81

Posts : 154
Join date : 2016-09-25

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Now! the OpenBVE's Motor and Brake sound tracks are become unlimited !!!!! Empty Re: Now! the OpenBVE's Motor and Brake sound tracks are become unlimited !!!!!

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