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Limit Framerate(FPS)

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Limit Framerate(FPS) Empty Limit Framerate(FPS)

Post by ADbve Sun Sep 05, 2021 6:55 am


I wonder can we limit the framerate to 30fps ?. I think this usefull for who had gpu or cpu that can render above 30 but can't reach 60fps.

Also if i remember openbve have Vsync but as far i know Vsync just limit the frame rate based on monitor capabilities (commonly 60hz/60fps).


Posts : 72
Join date : 2020-05-14

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Limit Framerate(FPS) Empty Re: Limit Framerate(FPS)

Post by Gothpaladinus Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:29 pm

I don't think limiting FPS rate below 60 would be a suitable choice for anyone. Maybe only when the openBVE program isn't in focus... but when being in focus, why would anyone do that? It would result in lags that no one likes to see while playing actively. Turning on vsync is imho fully enough.

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Limit Framerate(FPS) Empty Re: Limit Framerate(FPS)

Post by ADbve Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:59 pm

Well.. i know FPS below 60 is not suitable for everyone, but for user who prefer more stable frame rate instead squezzing their PC to make higher FPS as much as possible, its good feature isn't it ?

As example when i play shinkansen route by ginga81 usually i get around 40-45 fps because how heavy that route, i prefer stable fps rate like 30 fps.


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Join date : 2020-05-14

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Limit Framerate(FPS) Empty Re: Limit Framerate(FPS)

Post by Quork Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:26 am

Let's just say it's a rather exotic wish. But maybe you can switch vsync on in OpenBVE and reduce your general screen frequency on system level to 30Hz?

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Age : 33
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