Overlay Textures
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Overlay Textures
Correct me if it's possible in OpenBVE already, but currently this is how my headlight looks:
I think this still kinda wipes out the detail below the headlight
I would want to achieve something like the following, is that possible without reworking a large part of OpenBVE's rendering?
(I just use paint.NET "Overlay" Blend Mode to achieve this)
In my opinion it's something that's nice to have, but not like a must or groundbreaking.
I think this still kinda wipes out the detail below the headlight
I would want to achieve something like the following, is that possible without reworking a large part of OpenBVE's rendering?
(I just use paint.NET "Overlay" Blend Mode to achieve this)
In my opinion it's something that's nice to have, but not like a must or groundbreaking.
Gothpaladinus, Midnight Express Ginga81 and Rakago like this post
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