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32 bit version doe not work

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32 bit version doe not work Empty 32 bit version doe not work

Post by Railduck Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:51 pm

So i wanted to launch OpenBVE 32 bit cause but it doesnt load anything and crashes (i have 64bit PC). What should i do (i need 32 bit version)


Posts : 60
Join date : 2021-08-26
Location : Topoľčany, Slovakia

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32 bit version doe not work Empty Re: 32 bit version doe not work

Post by leezer3 Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:54 pm

You're the second person to report this.

I can't explain it at the moment, all 32-bit systems I've got access to work just fine.

Please let me know your Windows version and other specs- Might be able to see a pattern.

**However** there should be no reason you need the 32-bit version. I'm aware of one single plugin which requires this, which has never been stable / worked properly in the first place (it pops up a web-browser for login into an online system, but the threading is rather broken)
Please explain why you think you need it Smile


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32 bit version doe not work Empty Re: 32 bit version doe not work

Post by Railduck Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:14 pm

leezer3 wrote:You're the second person to report this.

I can't explain it at the moment, all 32-bit systems I've got access to work just fine.

Please let me know your Windows version and other specs- Might be able to see a pattern.

**However** there should be no reason you need the 32-bit version. I'm aware of one single plugin which requires this, which has never been stable / worked properly in the first place (it pops up a web-browser for login into an online system, but the threading is rather broken)
Please explain why you think you need it Smile
My windows is windows 7 (yeah, old), i need it cause central or jubilee line (one of them) has plugin which doesnt work in latest openbve, but they said in 32 version it works


Posts : 60
Join date : 2021-08-26
Location : Topoľčany, Slovakia

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