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[ANIMATED] Does setting RefreshRate to a high value makes a difference in terms of performance?

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[ANIMATED] Does setting RefreshRate to a high value makes a difference in terms of performance? Empty [ANIMATED] Does setting RefreshRate to a high value makes a difference in terms of performance?

Post by LXQt Thu Sep 09, 2021 3:17 am

As title, does using RefreshRate in animated files optimizes frame rates without accounting for any kind of functions?
For example:

States = object.csv
RefreshRate = 9999999

Is there any benefits over the one without specifying the RefreshRate?
If yes, is there a rough estimates on how much performance impact it could bring on the new GL3 renderer? (Compared to the amount of faces/texture sizes)

I think I've seen this approach somewhere, but I couldn't remember exactly where it came from.

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[ANIMATED] Does setting RefreshRate to a high value makes a difference in terms of performance? Empty Re: [ANIMATED] Does setting RefreshRate to a high value makes a difference in terms of performance?

Post by leezer3 Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:26 am

In this case, absolutely zero impact anywhere, never would have been.
The loader will just optimise it out as it's free of functions.

Changing the refresh rate in an object with functions will have a very marginal effect, but with the renderer re-write, it's likely to be essentially nil.


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Join date : 2011-08-23

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