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pioneer trains addons

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pioneer trains addons Empty pioneer trains addons

Post by SP1900 Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:17 am

Pioneer trains was a good place to get addons unfortunately most of the links to trains such as the class 180 and the Intercitty 225 trains have gone. If someone has the addons or might be able to recover them in some way or another please could you put up a link somewhere  People who are new to BVE or maybe just started developing might want to have these trains especially for people developing a ECML Route. 

On a side note, is there any way to contact Ben leahy, the developer of Pioneer trains? I converted his class 350 into a class 360 and need to talk to him about it. 


Last edited by SP1900 on Thu Aug 02, 2018 3:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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pioneer trains addons Empty Re: pioneer trains addons

Post by graymac Thu Aug 02, 2018 9:00 am

Ben has been on this board, user name "mrknowitall"
You could try a PM

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pioneer trains addons Empty Re: pioneer trains addons

Post by mrknowitall Sat Aug 04, 2018 11:19 am

Hi buddy, 

I’ve received your email, currently working so unable to give a detailed reply at the moment. 

Alan got me into a special web page that BVE T own, and I had to have numerous applications to load and unload the new files, but due to me not understanding the process, and Alan no longer present, I have no way of updating the site anymore. 

I still have links, which I’ll happily post up at a later date.

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pioneer trains addons Empty Re: pioneer trains addons

Post by mrknowitall Sat Aug 04, 2018 11:20 am

By the way, you have full permission to do as you please with the 350/360 buddy!

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pioneer trains addons Empty Re: pioneer trains addons

Post by Dexter Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:06 pm

I can host your material if you want, Ben.

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pioneer trains addons Empty Re: pioneer trains addons

Post by SP1900 Sat Aug 04, 2018 5:39 pm

mrknowitall wrote:Hi buddy, 

I’ve received your email, currently working so unable to give a detailed reply at the moment. 

Alan got me into a special web page that BVE T own, and I had to have numerous applications to load and unload the new files, but due to me not understanding the process, and Alan no longer present, I have no way of updating the site anymore. 

I still have links, which I’ll happily post up at a later date.
 Thanks for the reply Ben. I hope everything goes well and that the links for your stuff will come up soon!!

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Age : 22

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