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A GM 141 class locomotive

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A GM 141 class locomotive Empty A GM 141 class locomotive

Post by graymac Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:56 pm

A 141 class locomotive is now available for download from the website
The 141 is a smaller, less powerful version of the 071 type, sharing many features with that class. Two locos are included with the single download and files are already in place to allow variations of passenger stock (downloadable separately, can be shared with other class locos).

A GM 141 class locomotive 141a

A GM 141 class locomotive 141b

Last edited by graymac on Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:42 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Join date : 2011-08-28
Location : Co Mayo, Eire

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A GM 141 class locomotive Empty Re: A GM 141 class locomotive

Post by viccylinefan Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:23 am

Mmmm, something nice to download when i get hoem on Friday Very Happy


EDIT: You didn't say that you released your TIMMBBBEEEERRRRR!!!!! train addon as well Very Happy


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A GM 141 class locomotive Empty Re: A GM 141 class locomotive

Post by Misfit Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:16 pm

Thankyou for another Irish masterpiece. I really do like the modular approach for the train and rolling stock items makes life so much easier.

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A GM 141 class locomotive Empty Re: A GM 141 class locomotive

Post by graymac Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:55 pm

All in a day's work Very Happy The funniest thing about it is that I never set out to build trains at all. If I had been doing English routes I wouldn't have needed to. Only being in what mrknowitall* calls "spudland", I didn't have a lot of choice - no other Irish devs so it was definitely a do-it-yourself job.

The modular idea was born of neccessity, and it's not new but I got it from one of our Japanese friends who had fixed it up. I was getting a bit brassed off by the space taken up by having duplicate copies of each loco for each variation in rolling stock. I tinker with the consists quite a bit, so I just had to find a better way. It also helps people who won't get involved in editing config files to easily add a variety of trains. So everybody wins! At the beginning Viccylinefan was a bit confused, but after looking at the instructions (I DO at least provide some) all was fine, and I bet most folks will find this system an improvement. I will release further add-ons when the need arises.

*I'm off to research mrknowitall's family tree, and see if his ancestors crawled out of a County Offally bog Very Happy What's the betting, MrK?? Any of the shamrock in it??

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Location : Co Mayo, Eire

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A GM 141 class locomotive Empty Re: A GM 141 class locomotive

Post by 92220 Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:50 pm

Has it got CAWS yet? Twisted Evil

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A GM 141 class locomotive Empty Re: A GM 141 class locomotive

Post by graymac Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:36 pm

Has it **** Very Happy

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Join date : 2011-08-28
Location : Co Mayo, Eire

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