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Kilmagranny 2016

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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Kilmagranny 2016

Post by graymac Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:05 pm

Thanks to all my good friends in the community who provided feedback for the modern version of Kilmagranny. Four timetabled route variations with the package, all using the now ubiquitous 22000 ICR units.
It's not yet officially released on the CTS website for download, but just for BVEWW users only the files are available with this link:

Enjoy!! Kilmagranny 2016 Icon_biggrin

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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Re: Kilmagranny 2016

Post by BillEWS Sun Dec 04, 2016 2:48 pm

HI Graymac. Great to see your latest work on the Killmagranny route. The resolution of the over-all scene and objects is excellent. Every bit as good as you get on TS. Something you can be proud of.

I found the route a bit fast for it's actual length, especially between station but the Unit handles well for this fast running and braking. I didn't get any sort of AWS warnings for speed restrictions.

I ran two route diagrams. The first and last diagrams and enjoyed both of them. You need t get to grips with the speed restrictions, as I say there is a lot of fast running.

Well done, Graymac. Another very worthy effort and a new route for OpenBVE.


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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Re: Kilmagranny 2016

Post by graymac Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:31 pm

Irish signalling system is CAWS - different to the UK system and so no AWS advance speed warnings. I'm vaguely aware trains using the cross-border line (Dub-B'fast) are dual equipped, but my routes are entirely within the Rep of Irl so they wouldn't have both systems. The TSR warning signs are sufficiently in advance of the limits for the necessary reaction to be taken. Perhaps in future I might consider displaying a "note" in-cab at the beginning - rather like the driver seeing the "notices", as he would in real operation. (only one route has the TSRs included - it is labelled "with PW works"). Smile
Irish 1600mm "broad gauge" does allow for slightly faster cornering for a given radius of curve in UK 1435mm track.
The 22000ICR units do give a nice ride, I'm often on them on the Westport line.
And for a slower ride, there's still the original "heritage era" Kilmagranny route to drive.

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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Re: Kilmagranny 2016

Post by phontanka Sun Dec 04, 2016 10:47 pm

Graymac, do you have any plans to publish Kilmagranny 2016 as an openBVE package? That makes installation a lot easier.

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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Re: Kilmagranny 2016

Post by BillEWS Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:12 pm

I had trouble downloading hte three files! Neither Winzip nor 7Z would open the download zip file. In the end I siimply copied them into a new folder then unzipped the individual files and then moved the saved Object, Route and Sound folders into OpenBVE's Object, Route and sound folders into their respective folders in the Railway folder. Everything appears to be working OK.


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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Re: Kilmagranny 2016

Post by graymac Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:48 pm

Graymac, do you have any plans to publish Kilmagranny 2016 as an openBVE package? That makes installation a lot easier.

Ideally, I would like to use an installer for all the items on the celtictrainsim site (Kilmagranny2015 isn't yet listed). Simply, I don't have the faintest idea how to go about doing that, or knowledge of what software might help. (I've seen expensive tools on offer, and I don't understand how to use them either - not that I'm going to buy any) . 
I've been using a pdf instruction sheet with active links to the files for the already published routes. May have to do the same with KMG2016 when it is released on the website later.

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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Re: Kilmagranny 2016

Post by BillEWS Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:16 pm

Couldn't some sort of 'Cloud' link be set-up that contains just the required folders be possible?. Or is there too much of a personal security problem involved?


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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Re: Kilmagranny 2016

Post by phontanka Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:11 pm

I think the package system Chris has built up is very useful and makes add-on installation very easy. Also, users do get the information you want them to see.

This system is better than Michelle's, because it doesn't depend on a central server.

If you mean Windows installers, may I draw your attention to two possible issues:

1. Each user stores their add-ons in different folders and installers have a hard time coping with that. Or are you looking at installing add-ons to the AppData/Roaming/openBVE/LegacyContent directory? Please note that that is exactly what Chris's package management does with some more flexibility - there you can manually set where your addons should be stored and packages will be installed to that location from that point on.

2. Linux and Mac users (myself included on the Linux side) will not have any chance to install your routes / trains, since Windows installers don't work on those platforms. However, openBVE packages do, they are fully platform independent.

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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Re: Kilmagranny 2016

Post by graymac Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:15 am

I think the package system Chris has built up is very useful and makes add-on installation very easy. Also, users do get the information you want them to see.

I'll go with it if I can find how it's done, and assuming I can understand it - i'm not a very "techie" person really! Smile

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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Re: Kilmagranny 2016

Post by phontanka Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:39 pm

I'm happy to help you with it.

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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Re: Kilmagranny 2016

Post by graymac Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:34 pm

I might need to take up that offer. As I'm going to need to do a major website upgrade soon it would be good to have the downloads packaged for easiest installation. First step, I've been trying to catch up and study the info on here:  to see if I can understand it all. And I've (sort of) managed to produce a zipfile.

Now this file has (so far) only been tried on my own spare laptop PC and using the package management button it did install and run. lol!

However, it didn't install in the same place I usually keep my stuff**, though probably that doesn't matter. The good news for users who don't want it put in the "default" location is that by extracting the package zipfile manually and placing the folders elsewhere you can still custom install the route.
Still, I like the "package" idea - good on yer, Chris!! - and I'm going to run with it for all the CTS downloads with the next website update.
(only tried this single route so far, haven't looked at the rolling stock yet - some learning still to do!)
Also, with the next celtictrainsim web update, I intend to provide better links to the content on  site.

** I've always used C:\Trainsim\Railway as my routes storing folder - rather than burying stuff in OpenBVE program version folders. Partly because I test run my routes on up to 3 different OpenBVE prog versions, so "commonality" makes sense. Smile

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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Re: Kilmagranny 2016

Post by phontanka Thu Dec 08, 2016 5:18 pm

A perfect job, Graham, it installed as expected and I'm already running it. Great!

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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Re: Kilmagranny 2016

Post by graymac Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:10 pm

That's good to know, thanks!  lol!

Added note Sun Dec 11:

However, it didn't install in the same place I usually keep my stuff**, though probably that doesn't matter. The good news for users who don't want it put in the "default" location is that by extracting the package zipfile manually and placing the folders elsewhere you can still custom install the route.
I've since been shown that the program's "default" install location is in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\openBVE\LegacyContent\ - which can be altered in Open start screen - options second page, which applies to the Package Management settings.

Anyhow, I'm in the process of producing packages for ALL the celtictrainsin stuff and once the website is refurbished (expected early January 2017) everything will be delivered in the package format to simplify the installation.

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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Re: Kilmagranny 2016

Post by NovHak Sun Apr 15, 2018 5:39 pm

FYI, in the KMG2016track.txt file, the first signal is present which makes a duplicate with separate route files, and poses a problem on the last 1700 route, since the time set on this signal is much earlier, hence the sim begins around 1100 and one has to wait 6 hours before the signal becomes green.

Well, maybe some will consider this a good thing since it makes the route longer Smile but I personnally removed the line corresponding to the signal in the mentioned txt file, and things are much better now.


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Kilmagranny 2016 Empty Re: Kilmagranny 2016

Post by graymac Sun Apr 15, 2018 7:47 pm

Thanks for the "heads-up"!! And I'm glad you knew how to apply the fix. For those less fortunate, the route files have been corrected and are on the server. I'll admit I bopped a drollock there Embarassed

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