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My trains on UKTrainsim

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My trains on UKTrainsim Empty My trains on UKTrainsim

Post by Stevegr Tue Jul 12, 2016 11:36 pm

It's been pointed out to me by a few people that altered versions of my releases have been appearing on that site.

The alterations mainly being removing all the people that help me make them (and me!) by giving permission to use their photo's, or cabviews for MS Trainsim for work from a few years ago from the files.

Well I have complained to UKTrainSim about this, basically it's fine if they are left intact or to put it another way respect all the people involved in their production.   

But I've been ignored and they don't really seem to care!

So the Virgin XC HST for example is now available for download on UKTrainSim, it will take about 2hrs to download on that site.

Give it a go it's a laugh, when a Bve4Trains download is a bit quicker by 100's of some things or other Laughing

What a load of effort by who ever it is putting them up on UKTrainsim for nothing.. 

If it was just a member of UKTrainSim thinking that why not put them here that would be fine.

But a bit of editing of them makes you wonder why?

So I wonder who that might be....

But no kicking off on here is required, might get a few more hits on Bve4Trains from them!


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My trains on UKTrainsim Empty Re: My trains on UKTrainsim

Post by Greater Anglia Metro Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:35 am

A couple of LUL routes with my work in were on there, I emailed on a Sunday evening and got a reply within a couple of hours saying they had been removed.

I guess it just depends who answers the email :/

Greater Anglia Metro
Greater Anglia Metro

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My trains on UKTrainsim Empty Re: My trains on UKTrainsim

Post by Stevegr Wed Jul 13, 2016 8:40 pm

Lucky you, but if someone wants to spend quite a bit of time altering things that don't need altering and uploading them to a site that's basically still in 2000 for download speeds.

That's just quite a bit daft Laughing

When you can download them in seconds on Bve4Trains Shocked  

My next release will be instalments available at 10 minute intervals over two hours..............

Well you have to try to keep up with the competition  Smile


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Join date : 2013-01-01

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My trains on UKTrainsim Empty Re: My trains on UKTrainsim

Post by Kiwikid1940 Wed Jul 13, 2016 9:08 pm

Don't think you will get any hits on your web site as no mention is made of Bve4Trains !!!!


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My trains on UKTrainsim Empty Re: My trains on UKTrainsim

Post by leezer3 Wed Jul 13, 2016 9:46 pm

Moderator Post:
I'm not sure this topic is going to go anywhere other than places we'd rather not go.

Bve4Trains is the official site for Steve's stuff.

Please respect this and other authors, and don't post stuff elsewhere without their permission.

Locking this before it degenerates.

Note: Chaser email has been sent to UKTS, hopefully we can get these taken down.


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