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"SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem."

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"SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem." Empty "SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem."

Post by S078 Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:19 pm

When I try to start a route in openBVE, I get a error.

SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem.

Is there anybody who can help me with this?
"SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem." Attachment
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"SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem." Empty Re: "SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem."

Post by leezer3 Sat Aug 16, 2014 12:28 am

Now there's one I've never seen before Razz
Are you on Mac or Windows (The window appearance suggests Mac)?

If Mac, is it a PPC Mac or a newer Intel one?
If Windows, try updating the graphics drivers as a first stop.


Chris Lees


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"SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem." Empty Re: "SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem."

Post by Quork Sat Aug 16, 2014 4:57 am

That typically is a sign of not all dependencies being installed correctly. Are you sure you did all of them? Try reinstalling them. Make sure you put everything exactly where it is supposed to be.

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"SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem." Empty Re: "SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem."

Post by LabRatAndy Sat Aug 16, 2014 2:53 pm

I think this error can also be caused by things like incomaptible screen resolutions or windowed openBVE being set to be larger than the actual screen.

Unfortunatley although openBVE detects that SDL components have failed to load and tells us that, it however doesn't tell us why. Which isn't very useful when you have problems, in my opinion its a slight design flaw as SDL can be queried for the error.


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"SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem." Empty Re: "SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem."

Post by rick1984 Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:17 pm

I just encountered this problem. 
Solved it by reducing the screen size in the settings (fullscreen).

Think it is because I'm playing it on TV (from my laptop)


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"SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem." Empty Re: "SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem."

Post by ap1991 Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:07 am

I've just got myself a new laptop (late Christmas present to myself) and I've been getting the same problem when I launch oBVE in full screen mode, no issues in windowed mode though.

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"SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem." Empty Re: "SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem."

Post by Northern Line Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:42 am

I could recommend launching it in windowed mode then once the game has started and you're at the starting station, if you press CTRL+F, it might have a different result. 
But check your desktop screen resolution in width and height for example 1024x768
Northern Line
Northern Line

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"SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem." Empty Re: "SDL failed to initialize the video subsystem."

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