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Breaker sound thoughts (again)

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Breaker sound thoughts (again) Empty Breaker sound thoughts (again)

Post by Delsin Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:21 am

Was thinking on these again recently and now I think the breaker sounds behavior should be changed after all.
How I see the ideal implementation of these:

  • Played "outside" on powered cars only (similarly to motor sounds, but at full volume without pitch change)
  • "On" sound plays once when power or dynamic braking starts on the car, disregarding the lever delay.
  • "Off" sound plays once when power or dynamic braking is cut off similarly, but after the handle delays expire (or when brake control speed setting disables dynamic braking)

This is based on how almost all power circuit breakers on DC PWM or AC inverter control trains (other control types are not implemented in Openbve yet) operate and what these sounds are meant to represent originally.

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Join date : 2016-08-20

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