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FBT cannot start routes - missing objects

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FBT cannot start routes - missing objects Empty FBT cannot start routes - missing objects

Post by Juergen P. Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:39 pm

Hi all,
I'm Juergen from Germany, running BVE with Linux Mint 20.1. Ulyssa. Installed from zip file _not_ from deb. Version 64-bit
Now I try to get some other routes than the demonstration-route Very Happy
Found the FBT routes, download them and unpack and unpack/copy as written on FBT-Webpage. FBT-Origins and Vranov.
After selection one of them always get message "The selected route is corrupt: No objects defined." in the right detail window. Sad
Any idea? What have I done wrong?
Thanks + BR Juergen

Juergen P.

Posts : 6
Join date : 2022-11-28
Location : near Hamburg/Germany

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FBT cannot start routes - missing objects Empty Re: FBT cannot start routes - missing objects

Post by Midnight Express Ginga81 Tue Nov 29, 2022 6:40 am

No one will know just say 'it can't be done', so I think we have to show the address of the public web page of the route data of FBT-Origins and Vranov and see if other people have the same symptoms.
Create a folder on your desktop with a name of your choice and expand it.
Check if is made.

I am using Ubuntu 20.04, OpenBVE works well all versions of.

Midnight Express Ginga81

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FBT cannot start routes - missing objects Empty Re: FBT cannot start routes - missing objects

Post by Juergen P. Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:42 pm

Tree should be OK. See enclosed picture

FBT cannot start routes - missing objects Tree_f10

Demo-route is working.

Juergen P.

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Location : near Hamburg/Germany

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FBT cannot start routes - missing objects Empty Re: FBT cannot start routes - missing objects

Post by Midnight Express Ginga81 Wed Nov 30, 2022 5:37 am

It is normal if the main unit and the demo root work.
Also, the downloaded data may be broken, so please tell me to  know the link so that I can check the data.

Midnight Express Ginga81

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FBT cannot start routes - missing objects Empty Re: FBT cannot start routes - missing objects

Post by Juergen P. Wed Nov 30, 2022 6:55 am

I start the Download there:
And Here the direct Download Link:

By the way, searching Yesterday a Lot of Pages to found other Routers etc, but found only brocken links Sad could you give me a Link where you do your Downloads? Thanks.

Juergen P.

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Join date : 2022-11-28
Location : near Hamburg/Germany

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FBT cannot start routes - missing objects Empty Re: FBT cannot start routes - missing objects

Post by Midnight Express Ginga81 Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:43 am

This data is a bit troublesome to introduce.
After jumping, to press the three bottons of...
'Download Object Files' 'Download Route Files' 'Download Sound Files' to download.
Extract FBT_Origins_OBJ.7z under Railway/Object and change the folder name from 'FirstBrnoTrack-Origins' to 'FirstBrnoTrack'.
FBT_Origins_RT.7z is extract to the under Railway/Route.
Extract FBT_Origins_SND (1).7z under Railway/Sound and change the folder name from 'FirstBrnoTrack-Origins' to 'FirstBrnoTrack'.
Then select Route/FirstBrnoTrack-Origins/FirstBrnoTrack.csv to run. You can run it even if you get an error.
If there is no train under Train folder, it cannot be run on the route alone, so please download it from somewhere else.

Midnight Express Ginga81

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Join date : 2016-09-25

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FBT cannot start routes - missing objects Empty Re: FBT cannot start routes - missing objects

Post by Juergen P. Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:47 am

Will Check today afternoon when i'm at the PC and keep you informed.

Juergen P.

Posts : 6
Join date : 2022-11-28
Location : near Hamburg/Germany

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FBT cannot start routes - missing objects Empty Re: FBT cannot start routes - missing objects

Post by Juergen P. Wed Nov 30, 2022 3:45 pm

Midnight Express, thanks for your assistance. Now it works and route is loading.
May I ask another question to you? You wrote that you are also running Unix without any problems. I have always an big issue to drive the train with the keyboard. It seems that mostly of the default-setup-keys are not working, nor the ones I change in the setup. Do you have a tip for that, too?
Many thanks in advance
br Juergen

Juergen P.

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Location : near Hamburg/Germany

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FBT cannot start routes - missing objects Empty Re: FBT cannot start routes - missing objects

Post by Midnight Express Ginga81 Wed Nov 30, 2022 4:01 pm

There is no problem with my Ubuntu 20.04, and there is no problem even if I change the key assignment.
Mint is based on the same Debian, so I don't think it will be a problem.
If key config is not set,
under /home/user/.config/openBVE/Settings/1.5.0/
If you delete controls.cfg and options.cfg and select any route and vehicle and load them, they will be recreated automatically.
If you still can't change the key or it's weird, it may be a bug.

Midnight Express Ginga81

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FBT cannot start routes - missing objects Empty Re: FBT cannot start routes - missing objects

Post by leezer3 Wed Nov 30, 2022 4:50 pm

Latest daily build now has a workaround for this if Hacks are enabled. (These are by default)

With regards to the key issue, I would suspect this likely has something to do with your keyboard itself- I'm presuming it's a German layout QWERTYZ?
Looking into the source of the OpenTK backend, I don't think it handles any of the keys with umlauts or the ß correctly, and this might throw the whole thing off.

Try changing the key-assignments using keygrab or from the in-game menu option rather than trying to use the drop-down menu and see if that helps.
I'll see if I can reproduce.


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FBT cannot start routes - missing objects Empty Re: FBT cannot start routes - missing objects

Post by Midnight Express Ginga81 Wed Nov 30, 2022 5:13 pm

Admittedly, I hadn't considered the German keyboard layout at all!
Just worldwide...!

Midnight Express Ginga81

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Join date : 2016-09-25

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FBT cannot start routes - missing objects Empty Re: FBT cannot start routes - missing objects

Post by Juergen P. Wed Nov 30, 2022 5:31 pm

OK, install right now also English keyboard with possibility to change between both.
Seems that work better :-) will try with more routes (if I found them :-( ) and other trains!
Thank you for your assistance!

Juergen P.

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Join date : 2022-11-28
Location : near Hamburg/Germany

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FBT cannot start routes - missing objects Empty Re: FBT cannot start routes - missing objects

Post by leezer3 Wed Nov 30, 2022 5:38 pm

Juergen P. wrote:OK, install right now also English keyboard with possibility to change between both.
Seems that work better :-) will try with more routes (if I found them :-( ) and other trains!
Thank you for your assistance!

Good Smile

I'm trying to get a German keyboard layout onto a VM, and will see if I can patch this a little better, but at least you've got a workaround.

The keyboard layout is definitely rather messed up on non QWERTY keyboards Sad
Now tracking that here:


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