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Interior lights flickering independently at third rail gaps.

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Interior lights flickering independently at third rail gaps. Empty Interior lights flickering independently at third rail gaps.

Post by 1969 St. Louis R-40M Fri Jul 22, 2022 8:11 am

So I'm aware that it is possible to have flickering lights at third rail gaps, by combining Beacon 20 with a power indicator pluginstate in the train that is linked to off/On states of the train, but the thing is that the whole consist is affected at the same time, while I want to have each cars to have their lights flicker individually while passing over the same gap. Is this is even possible?

Here's a visual example:  at 8:17.
1969 St. Louis R-40M
1969 St. Louis R-40M

Posts : 33
Join date : 2020-02-07

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Interior lights flickering independently at third rail gaps. Empty Re: Interior lights flickering independently at third rail gaps.

Post by leezer3 Sun Jul 31, 2022 10:39 am

There's nothing universal I can think of off the top of my head Sad

If you wanted to tie this effect to a specific train, it'd be possible to hardcode distances into the animated file, but that's a mess.....

I've actually got voltages and stuff in an incomplete WIP here, which needs revisiting:

(There's someone with a plugin using three different voltage systems out there too.....)


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Join date : 2011-08-23

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