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a little update for plugin to export csv from blender

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a little update for plugin to export csv from blender Empty a little update for plugin to export csv from blender

Post by ADbve Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:47 am


i suddenly fix some part of the code to export csv mesh from blender (blender 2.83.12 to be precise).

i dont know how i fix it XD but atleast it worked.

many part of the code still broken, but if you want to test it i drop a link below.

a part still broken is:
- importing csv to blender (you gonna get an attribute error)
- cant exporting mesh to csv if your mesh have material in it.

the exporting will work if your mesh doesnt contain material, luckly the exporter also export settexturecoordinates command so if you want your mesh have texture you must input your texture with loadtexture command manually.

a little update for plugin to export csv from blender Input_10
a little update for plugin to export csv from blender Monkey10

if you want to help fix this plugin please see my post here :Help me fix this openbve plugin for blender (

link for this plugin(tested on blender 2.83.12 LTS):


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Join date : 2020-05-14

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