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Inconsistent PowerNotchReduceSteps behavior

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Inconsistent PowerNotchReduceSteps behavior Empty Inconsistent PowerNotchReduceSteps behavior

Post by Delsin Tue Apr 13, 2021 8:19 pm

I have a train with 5 power notches and PowerNotchReduceSteps set to 4, so the actual power step should reach 5 and then go back to 4 when I set the handle to notch 5 and then down to, say, 1. But now (as of the latest build) the actual power step will remain only at what's specified in PowerNotchReduceSteps and this setting will be ignored if the handle moves beyond that notch (so that moving it to P5 and then P1 has the same effect with PowerNotchReduceSteps at both 0 and 4). Isn't it incorrect? I assume this setting is a very basic imitation of camshaft/rheostat control trains without reverse camshaft rotation and should follow the logic of these systems.

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Join date : 2016-08-20

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Inconsistent PowerNotchReduceSteps behavior Empty Re: Inconsistent PowerNotchReduceSteps behavior

Post by Delsin Fri Jun 04, 2021 10:02 pm

as of June 2 build, Openbve seems to ignore PowerNotchReduceSteps completely

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Join date : 2016-08-20

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Inconsistent PowerNotchReduceSteps behavior Empty Re: Inconsistent PowerNotchReduceSteps behavior

Post by leezer3 Sat Jun 05, 2021 10:59 am

Delsin wrote:as of June 2 build, Openbve seems to ignore PowerNotchReduceSteps completely

It still seems to work OK for me.
Not sure the design is the most intuitive, but I'm presuming this was to replicate BVE2 / BVE4 behaviour, in which case it probably shouldn't be changed.

Let's take an example:
Train with 8 notches.
PowerNotchReduceSteps set to 2.
When the PowerNotchReduceSteps condition is met, the internal simulation notch moves to match the driver notch.


We set the power notch to 8.
The power notch must be reduced to 6 for this to have any effect. (-2)
If reducing power further, the notch must be reduced to 4 (-2 again)
On the other hand, we can also increase the power to notch 7.
In this case, we now need to reduce the power to notch 5 to see an effect (-2!)

Your example from the first post is never going to work particularly well.
With PowerNotchReduceSteps set to 4 then if the player uses any notch other than 5, then power will have to be reduced to 0 for any effect to be seen.
If you set PowerNotchReduceSteps to 0 then it'll work exactly as per any train without this behaviour.


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Inconsistent PowerNotchReduceSteps behavior Empty Re: Inconsistent PowerNotchReduceSteps behavior

Post by Delsin Sat Jun 05, 2021 7:05 pm

From what example in the documentation says, this value affects only moving the handle towards off, so that in my example power will remain at the highest level it's been set to (or at PowerNotchReduceSteps value if power handle went higher than it) until it's set to 0 scratch

Honestly, Openbve just needs a proper resistance control implementation for this use

Posts : 313
Join date : 2016-08-20

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Inconsistent PowerNotchReduceSteps behavior Empty Re: Inconsistent PowerNotchReduceSteps behavior

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