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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

1969 St. Louis R-40M
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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by 1969 St. Louis R-40M Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:24 pm

Here is another big project of mine:

I recently started to get into the metro of Paris, I rode it a couple of times and my best memory is when I rode the MF77 on the 8 Line about a year and a half ago.
I decided to try to make a part of the route in OpenBVE, from "Créteil - Pointe Du Lac" to "Porte de Charenton". And if it goes well, I might continue the route, start making the RATP rolling stock and other lines of the system in the future. This project will be worked on by SP1900 and I.

If you're curious about the route, here's a good cab ride video of it:

So here's what I've done so far: finished the track layout from the yard at "Créteil - Pointe Du Lac" to the tunnel portal at "Créteil - L'Echat":

The Yard of the line, which is more of a layup yard. The actual yard with the maintenance shop is located at the other end of the line.

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE E8E7s7Y

Tracks leading to the first stop "Créteil - Pointe Du Lac":

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE OR0wCg3

Entering "Créteil - Préfecture" (more third rails will be installed at the switches):

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE BNdobN7

Entering "Créteil - Université":

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE EsJ9JdO

Entering "Créteil - L'Echat", where a new platform will be added between the left and middle tracks in the coming years:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE OWhs1h6

Entering the first tunnel portal after "Créteil - L'Echat" (the actual portal wall will be added later when the scenery will be worked on):

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE EpFwh22

And finally a deeper look into the tunnel:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE GOBwNXl

Stay tuned for more.
1969 St. Louis R-40M
1969 St. Louis R-40M

Posts : 33
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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by ap1991 Mon Jul 27, 2020 2:04 pm

Looks promising, I've only done a small journey on Line 8, Concode to Invalides, it's a very interesting system.

The RER routes would be a good addition to the world of BVE, Marne-Le-Valle to Chatalet-Les-Halles is a good run, the double deck stock is a fascinating experience.

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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by Drag0nflamez Fri Jul 31, 2020 10:31 am

The trackwork looks pretty nice so far.

The RER routes would be a good addition to the world of BVE, Marne-Le-Valle to Chatalet-Les-Halles is a good run, the double deck stock is a fascinating experience.
Not to mention seeing an implementation of SACEM, especially in a peak hour scenario with trains only seconds apart.


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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by Manuel18 Sat Aug 08, 2020 2:57 am

Good question. How does a SACEM work? I have some information which says it's a train to train system ( dynamic block similar to CBTC ) and not logic block.

I can partnership with you because Caracas Metro and Paris Metro have some similar logic. But I figure it out Paris train have extra keys called T1 and T2 and some mechanish called Monocoup to operate on CMC. While or trains are supervised by a visual three color scheme A.K.A Visucab while we activate with just one button to perform PA activation.

I don't have problem on develop that system but I need full info.

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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by Drag0nflamez Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:08 am

SACEM is RER A's moving block system, as described in this IEEE paper. I expect most detailed literature on its functioning to be in the French language (after all, it's a system designed by a French consortium), which may or may not pose a barrier for you.


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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by Manuel18 Thu Aug 13, 2020 2:12 am

There is no problem. Most Caracas Metro protocols are written in french.

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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by 1969 St. Louis R-40M Sun Aug 16, 2020 8:56 am

Yes I'd like to get help with the signal systems since I have not much knowledge about all that stuff. But that will be worked on at a later point. Right now I just finished the track layout from Pointe Du Lac to Porte de Charenton with platforms and tunnels only. Now I'll start adding track details such as poles, road and freeway dikes, speed limit signs, service platforms, more lights in tunnels at deadlocks and so on, while SP1900 is working on buildings for the scenery. And I'm also getting help from someone who lives in Paris, he will provide me station textures in the meantime, so I can start working on stations right away after finishing what I mentioned above.

Here are some screenshots of the tunnels between Maisons-Alfort - Les Juilliotes and Porte de Charenton. I turned a bit up the brightness on some of them since I made the tunnels pretty dark like in real life:

Approaching Maisons-Alfort - Les Juilliotes:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE 00tYojt

Looking out the same station towards Maisons-Alfort - Stade:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE NaHused

Looking towards Ecole Vétérinaire de Maisons-Alfort:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE ONBzg6P

Looking towards the tunnel portal leading to the bridge crossing the Marne river, the scenery there will be also worked on very soon:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Xx5xvgj

Back to the tunnel portal leading to Charenton:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE 66uJKVI

Former deadlock at Charenton - Ecoles, which used to be the terminal station before the extension to Créteil in the early 1970s:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE US5tAoZ

Approaching Charenton - Ecoles:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE JcwKyA3

Looking out the same station towards Liberté:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE VduYCVN

Looking towards the former deadlock of Porte de Charenton:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE 5lZFUfC

Approaching the tight curve leading to Porte de Charenton:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE EZmzdmf

And finally approaching Porte de Charenton, another former terminal of the line before the extension to Charenton - Ecoles in 1942:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE 10nseVl
1969 St. Louis R-40M
1969 St. Louis R-40M

Posts : 33
Join date : 2020-02-07

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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by SylvesterChevrolet Sun Aug 16, 2020 10:23 am

Looks good so far. I'm really impressed by the work, the detail in it is exquisite. Mind if I ask how long have you been working on this for?

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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by 1969 St. Louis R-40M Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:26 pm

I kind of started working on this project in early 2020, but then never touched it again until about 2 months ago when I really started to intensively work on it.
But I've been working on New York City Subway content since late 2017 so I already have a lot of experience when it comes to heavy detailing and texturing routes and trains (you can check my other topic), and all this experience allowed me to get a quick take off on this project.
1969 St. Louis R-40M
1969 St. Louis R-40M

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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by 1969 St. Louis R-40M Wed Dec 23, 2020 8:03 pm

Finally back to the development of the Paris Metro project. Quite a lot have been done since the last update so I recommend to those who haven't watched this video to check it out now:

As you can see in this video I started the scenery on Line 8 and also started modeling the first few stations. I apologize for the long delay in this thread because I wasn't really up to post anything here at the time so I'm going to do so now:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE SSpyRsB

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE ZmWh26E

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE AbOgA8k

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE MnGI25Q

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE ExJTPA2

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE AZmmFbf

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE NvItKq9

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE TqSPgif

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE 2olpHDh

Lots of details are missing but they will be added at a later point. The 8 Line was more of a test in order to try to find best developing methods that would suit for various parts of the route. Now that I became more confident with this project, I decided to officially start the 3bis Line and make my way up to longer steel wheel routes (and I'll do the same for rubber tire wheel routes), I just finished the skeleton but there's nothing interesting to show yet. And for this route, I also started the MF67 at the time, that I just continued to work on today, and here is the progress so far:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE L0cSrJA

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE B0FiiyZ

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE YoJRPzO

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE 0iPVHBh

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE AO38v33

That said, the 8 Line will be resumed in a long time since it's the second longest steel wheel route of the system. Currently, the 3bis line and the MF67 are in the works until completion. Matter of fact, let me put a list of the steel wheel routes I'll work on in their respective order:

1. Line 3bis
2. Line 7bis
3. Line 3
4. Line 10
5. Line 2
6. Line 12
7. Line 5
8. Line 9
9. Line 7
10. Line 8
11. Line 13

Same for the rubber tire wheel ones:

1. Line 11
2. Line 14
3. Line 4
4. Line 6
5. Line 1

I'll post a more detailed project sheet in the future anyway, that will also include the trains I'll work on.
1969 St. Louis R-40M
1969 St. Louis R-40M

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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by 1969 St. Louis R-40M Sun Mar 07, 2021 5:43 pm

Here is the skeleton of the 3bis line:

Progress screenshots of the MF67 coming soon!
1969 St. Louis R-40M
1969 St. Louis R-40M

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Join date : 2020-02-07

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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by 1969 St. Louis R-40M Mon Jun 20, 2022 10:26 pm

Wow, haven't posted anything here for over a year.

As some of you may have known I had worked on other projects during that time period and didn't have enough time and drive to work on this project, but here I am back.

Since I'm getting a lot of outside help on rolling stock information and such, I have first of all decided to add something to this project: the 1960s to 1990s era of the Paris Metro. This will not only need additional rolling stock of that time period (Sprague Thomson, MA51, MP51 and MP55) but also unrefurbished/original versions of the existing rolling stock (MP59, MF67, MP73 and the MF77).

For now no exact plan on how I'll be organizing this all, but I'll definitely come up with something along development. So far I'm sticking to the 2000s-present version and the MF67 is still in development. I remind that this is the largest rolling stock that the RATP has ever had due to lots of different versions and protoypes; but luckily, once I'll complete the few remaining versions of the train as well as its assets, the ~50 MF67 consists, prototypes and unrefurbished versions that are planned will be completed way quicker.

Nonetheless I managed to make quite a progress for the past couple of months:

One of the Line 3bis MF67 D (C2) sets is fairly complete without the cab, sounds, physics and plugins.
-More work done to the exterior: hook, coupler, air compressor, door lights and other misc details added, headlights area revised for this specific MF67 type, texture improvements.
-More work done to the interior: slightly improved seats that were originally made by SP1900, a bit more of 3D stuff, improved floor texture, decals added, glass textures also added to windows and doors.
Door handle animations have also been added by SP1900.

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE 2VJmUUp
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Uo3jxti
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Qblx2aP
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE EleBdgk
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE TiemFa0
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE NiVze4E
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE 8KRzazo
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE TiIDLcR

In order to get a head start at the ATC implementation on routes, and since I have enough MF67 cab references and textures to start one in order to test the ATC, I have decided to start the MF67 F which was the latest batch of the order, delivered between 1976 and 1978. This version stands out the most among previous batches due to its very different roof and bogie type that was later used across the whole MF77 fleet and its late 1980s modified windows, not mentioning the few technical differences. The MF67 F along with its older brother MF67 E were never refurbished and retired in the early-mid 2010s despite being the newest MF67s compared to the oldest ones dating from 1968 and still running to this very day. Of course, the oldest ones were given a refurbishment in the early 2000s.

The body and interior are nearing completion, but the bogies are still in the works. Don't mind some possibly visible transparency glitches as the screenshots were taken in Object Viewer. Thanks again to SP1900 for the original version of the seats, even though they also needed an improvement after finding better photos of the actual seats better exposing the shapes.
Note that this set is supposed to be one of those that had some of the original blue livery paint showing through on the front and roof.

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE FGRzJnt
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Qlk9hos
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE RJUZao5

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE T4Jw5wX
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE VtxfNs5
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE ZSB2qyM
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE 8ibKl3f

As far as routes go, the skeleton of line 7bis will be resumed soon.
1969 St. Louis R-40M
1969 St. Louis R-40M

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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by 1969 St. Louis R-40M Sat Sep 10, 2022 4:17 pm

MTE trailer bogie for the MF67 F and MF77 done. The ATC reader device will be added at a later point. The motor bogie is next.
Thanks to SP1900 for his high resolution iPhone camera with which we took the textures, and also his cylinder face mapping code which made the job easier.
Textures of inner parts taken from a Flickr album that you can check out here, pretty interesting photos:

Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE IQuSU2p
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE 85p0OPP
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE J9aNvID
Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE QATmnsD
1969 St. Louis R-40M
1969 St. Louis R-40M

Posts : 33
Join date : 2020-02-07

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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by Gothpaladinus Thu Nov 03, 2022 1:28 pm

This all looks amazing! Can't wait to try it out!

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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by Dexter Wed Nov 23, 2022 9:19 am

This is looking great, how heavy is it on the hardware?

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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

Post by Nuky9224 Wed Jul 31, 2024 5:34 pm

Can we talk in private? I speak also french if you want.


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Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE Empty Re: Paris Metro recreation in OpenBVE

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