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Tozai Metro help!

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Tozai Metro help!  Empty Tozai Metro help!

Post by stevewool Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:14 pm

Hi all,

I am mainly an Openbve user, however i came across some screen shots of the Tozai metro line, and it really appealed to me, of course its best run on BVE 5, i have downloaded BVE 5, and managed to get the route icons in the main menu, getting the route to run however is proving quite an issue, i keep getting a line of text "cannot locate file, trainfile etc...", im an absolute dunce when it comes to computers, and im sure i am doing something wrong with BVE 5 itself,  so any assistance will be highly appreciated! Thanks in advance,

Kind regards

Last edited by stevewool on Fri Aug 08, 2014 3:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Title more relevant to post)


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Join date : 2014-07-08

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Tozai Metro help!  Empty Re: Tozai Metro help!

Post by Northern Line Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:06 am

Could you post a screenshot of your problem?

Northern Line
Northern Line

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Tozai Metro help!  Empty Re: Tozai Metro help!

Post by hkmtrhah Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:30 pm

If using Japanese (original) package with path character issue:

or just use the English one the site gives you to download.

Those packages does not contains the train used on it as they are created by other people,
but available to be downloaded via the link shown as 「深川検車区 (Train Data)」 provided at the section 6 「車両ダウンロード」:
reren wrote:…… vertah 様の車両データは「Scenarios」フォルダに
ぐりぃん・しゃとる様、舞姫様の車両データは「東京メトロ東西線 (TokyoMetroTozai_Line)」フォルダに……

Domain for vertah's site provided on the page has been disused, the new one is
In \BVE\車両データ (Train Data), download the TRTA05 and TRTAN05

For ぐりぃん・しゃとる(Green Shuttle)'s TRTA07, it's still WIP.

For 舞姫(Maihime)'s 05 series 8th gen, 5000 series and Touyou 2000 series,
unfortunately someone in 2ch posted the password of data archive of Nagareyama Line, he(?)'s now really angry and stopped releasing all his BVE works now, as you may see on his site. What a shame.

just copy them to specified path as image shown on the screencap image in the page, or see above hidden section.

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