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"Turning the headlights on" for the 87015 external

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"Turning the headlights on" for the 87015 external Empty "Turning the headlights on" for the 87015 external

Post by Arundaar Fri Jul 24, 2020 6:12 pm


I've recently come back into the BVE scene, I was very into it years ago particularly around the time of BVE 2 and 4 but drifted away after OpenBVE was released as my PC couldn't run it and all the development focus shifted onto it.

I've been tinkering around with externals for various cabs that don't come packaged with one, one of these being the 87015 that comes with the Class 57 drag. I've managed to get the pantograph into an "up" state and make it so it generally looks like the leading loco. But I'm not sure how to get it so that the headlights can be changed so that they look on. I've attached an image from the 87015 and the 87002 object from the NWM files, would anyone be able to help me with this? I feel like I'm on the right track but not 100% sure what to do.

"Turning the headlights on" for the 87015 external 87_110
"Turning the headlights on" for the 87015 external 87_210

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Age : 28
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"Turning the headlights on" for the 87015 external Empty Re: "Turning the headlights on" for the 87015 external

Post by NakanoS Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:09 pm

Simpliest one is just make duplicate of them with different states, and place them in [carX] you needed into.

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Age : 27
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"Turning the headlights on" for the 87015 external Empty Re: "Turning the headlights on" for the 87015 external

Post by thehoviskid Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:48 pm

Certainly, with the original round headlight, it was only lit with the reverser in Forward- I assume it was the same with the later square replacements.  So, markers on, headlight off when stationary.

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"Turning the headlights on" for the 87015 external Empty Re: "Turning the headlights on" for the 87015 external

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