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Cannot load a route, fails with "The selected route is corrupt: No objects defined."

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Cannot load a route, fails with "The selected route is corrupt: No objects defined." Empty Cannot load a route, fails with "The selected route is corrupt: No objects defined."

Post by art-rasa Sun May 03, 2020 2:11 pm

Hello all,

I am a newcomer to the BVE and OpenBVE world. After driving a couple of routes (Cross-City Birmingham and First Brno Track), I wanted to try making my own simple route following the BrnoBVE PDF tutorial. The route should be just a straight track between two stations. However OpenBVE always fails to load my route for some reason with the error message "The selected route is corrupt: No objects defined".

I have made a directory for my route as "LegacyContent/Railway/Route/mytest" in a similar way as the other routes I have installed. I copied the code in the tutorial, except that I changed the line ".Folder 163-133-7v4" to match the name of the locomotive I have installed. I also tried adding a colon character after the ".Stop 1" but it didn't make any difference. Using "/" or "\" in object directory paths also didn't make any difference. I also checked that the upper-/lower case characters in file names and paths match exactly.
Here is my test route file "mytest.csv":

With Train
.Folder 754-049-5v4

With Structure
.Rail(0) FirstBrnoTrack\Track\tr_straight.csv
.Ground(0) FirstBrnoTrack\Scenery\GrassRise.csv

With Texture
.Background(0) FirstBrnoTrack\BG1.jpg

With Track
.Sta Station A;07.0040;07.0100;;-1;0;;;;50;;;,
.Stop 1
.Sta Station B;07.0245;T;;-1;0;;;;50;;;,
.Stop 1;0;0,

This information appears in log.txt file after selecting "mytest.csv" route:
15.45.56  BackwardTolerance is expected to be positive in Track.Stop at line 19, column 1 in file /home/user/.config/openBVE/LegacyContent/Railway/Route/mytest/mytest.csv
15.45.56  ForwardTolerance is expected to be positive in Track.Stop at line 19, column 1 in file /home/user/.config/openBVE/LegacyContent/Railway/Route/mytest/mytest.csv

I am using OpenBVE on Fedora 31. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2020-05-03
Location : Finland

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Cannot load a route, fails with "The selected route is corrupt: No objects defined." Empty Re: Cannot load a route, fails with "The selected route is corrupt: No objects defined."

Post by leezer3 Sun May 03, 2020 8:47 pm

Add a freeobject Smile

With Train
.Folder 754-049-5v4

With Structure
.Rail(0) FirstBrnoTrack\Track\tr_straight.csv
.Ground(0) FirstBrnoTrack\Scenery\GrassRise.csv
.FreeObj(0) FirstBrnoTrack\Track\tr_straight.csv

With Texture

This error was added due to the proliferation of $Include files; If the file containing the object list gets missing or misplaced, the route appears OK in the main menu, but with no objects available everything falls over.


Posts : 1972
Join date : 2011-08-23

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Cannot load a route, fails with "The selected route is corrupt: No objects defined." Empty Re: Cannot load a route, fails with "The selected route is corrupt: No objects defined."

Post by art-rasa Tue May 05, 2020 7:00 pm

Thank you very much! Adding a FreeObj worked fine. I spent last weekend just scratching my head, but finally I can continue with the route building tutorial.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2020-05-03
Location : Finland

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Cannot load a route, fails with "The selected route is corrupt: No objects defined." Empty Re: Cannot load a route, fails with "The selected route is corrupt: No objects defined."

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