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Strange acceleration data in train.dat file - what happens internally?

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Strange acceleration data in train.dat file - what happens internally? Empty Strange acceleration data in train.dat file - what happens internally?

Post by Ghost of Kymlinge Sun Mar 08, 2020 7:25 am

I'm looking into the train.dat file, the acceleration section, for a tram I have not created myself. The numbers are somewhat strange, and causes error messages on loading. Nethertheless, the tram is drivable in OpenBVE.

I'm curious to know how this data is treated internally when a1 is always zero and v2 < v1? Are some of the less reasonable numbers replaced by other default values, or is the simulation in this case actually calculating the tram's behaviour from what is in the train.dat file?

This is a table of the values:

Ghost of Kymlinge
Ghost of Kymlinge

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Strange acceleration data in train.dat file - what happens internally? Empty Re: Strange acceleration data in train.dat file - what happens internally?

Post by Phonteus Nevolius Sun Mar 08, 2020 10:58 pm

It might come from the BVE2 times when tutorials and localised specifications were scarce and developers just didn't have enough information.
Phonteus Nevolius
Phonteus Nevolius

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Strange acceleration data in train.dat file - what happens internally? Empty Re: Strange acceleration data in train.dat file - what happens internally?

Post by leezer3 Mon Mar 09, 2020 12:39 pm

Looking in the parser, the following happens:

As a0 is zero, a constant 1.0 is used:

As v2 is less than v1, it is replaced by v1:


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Strange acceleration data in train.dat file - what happens internally? Empty Re: Strange acceleration data in train.dat file - what happens internally?

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