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OpenBVE 1.6.0 Train coupling full animation demo of Tohoku Shinkansen at Morioka Series E5 and E6 using the TrackFollowingObject

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OpenBVE 1.6.0 Train coupling full animation demo of Tohoku Shinkansen at Morioka Series E5 and E6 using the TrackFollowingObject Empty OpenBVE 1.6.0 Train coupling full animation demo of Tohoku Shinkansen at Morioka Series E5 and E6 using the TrackFollowingObject

Post by Midnight Express Ginga81 Mon Aug 12, 2019 12:31 pm

Now, I am creating the route of Tohoku Shinkansen from Sendai to Morioka.
At the OpenBVE 1.6.0, the TrackFollowingObject command can use.
This command is incredibely nice!
I use this command, and tried the full action of coupling of Tohoku Shinkansen at Morioka.

Action list:
1. Arriving Series E5 at the Morioka Station, and open the door.
2.Arriving Series E6 from Ou Main Line, and stops about 10m in front of Series E5.
3.Series E6 moves 9m, it stops again.
4.coupleing with Series E5 and E6.
5.Open the door of Series E6.
6.Waiting the departure time.
7.Door close Series E5 and E6, turn off Series E6's head lamp and E5's tail lamp.
8.The coupled train is move to the Tokyo side.
At the departuring, hide the train of Series E5 and E6, and put the new TrackFollowingObject of coupled one.
Using this tecunique, the coupled train can run.
Twitter's movie is very short, so I fast forward to compress the time.
As this movie, the TrackFollowingObject can these perfectly!

Midnight Express Ginga81

Posts : 153
Join date : 2016-09-25

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