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New function: Touch operation

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New function: Touch operation Empty New function: Touch operation

Post by S520 Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:17 pm

Hello everyone! I am very pleased to be able to report to you that the new features were implemented today.

OpenBVE has suffered from key shortage for many years.
So I thought that it could be solved by the touch (mouse) operation and realized it.
In addition, let me realize the idea from leezer3, it was officially implemented happily the other day.

If you use a new format called Panel.xml instead of Panel2.cfg, you can make the most of this new feature, but this document does not yet exist.
So today you can touch everyone with existing Panel2.cfg touch We will introduce the experimental functions that make it possible.
(For Panel.xml we'll report again as soon as the document is ready.)

First of all, download the latest development version from the link below.

Next, launch OpenBVE and enable "Enable Panel 2 extended mode" of Advanced Opetions on the second page of the option.

New function: Touch operation Panel210

The rest is just to start the game. You can touch with a brake handle, power handle, and reverser handle.

However, there is a limit to this function. For the brake handle etc. DigitalNumber, the width of the image is 128px and the Interval is 128px or more.
This is because we use the size of the image to distinguish the handles. You can change this threshold by directly editing the options file. The location of the option file is as follows.

Windows: C:\Users\"UserName"\AppData\Roaming\openBVE\Settings\1.5.0\options.cfg
Linux: "HomeDirectory"/.config/openBVE/Settings/1.5.0/options.cfg

cursor = nk.png
panel2extended = true
panel2extendedminsize = 128

The value of this "panel2extendedminsize" is the threshold used for judgment.

This post was translated by F81 tec200. I really appreciate it.

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Join date : 2018-08-24
Location : Japan

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New function: Touch operation Empty Re: New function: Touch operation

Post by leezer3 Mon Feb 25, 2019 11:31 am

I've fixed the embedding for the youtube video here.

The loco used in the video was the stock Class 57.
No modifications made, just extended mode activated.


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Join date : 2011-08-23

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New function: Touch operation Empty Re: New function: Touch operation

Post by Delsin Wed Feb 27, 2019 10:09 pm

I tried it with class 960 on a night NWM route and for some reasons objects ahead of the train were turning into their daytime versions. Also, the cursor disappears completely once I hover over a handle (I have nk.png selected in the options).

Really cool feature though, feels a bit like MSTS Laughing but with much higher quality of pretty much everything.

Posts : 313
Join date : 2016-08-20

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New function: Touch operation Empty Re: New function: Touch operation

Post by leezer3 Thu Feb 28, 2019 10:25 pm

Fixed the lighting glitch.

I can't reproduce a disappearing cursor though.

How long a hover does it take before it disappears?

Might also be Windows or your graphics drivers 'helpfully' hiding the cursor in a 3D game?


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Join date : 2011-08-23

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New function: Touch operation Empty Re: New function: Touch operation

Post by Delsin Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:14 pm

Instantly as it goes into a rectangle the lever "touch area" is in. And Windows never hides the cursor in openbve, only when I put it over a lever.

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New function: Touch operation Empty Re: New function: Touch operation

Post by leezer3 Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:42 am

Delsin wrote:Instantly as it goes into a rectangle the lever "touch area" is in. And Windows never hides the cursor in openbve, only when I put it over a lever.

Thanks Smile
I think I've fixed that this morning, problem with the auto-generated builds as opposed to those built locally.....


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Join date : 2011-08-23

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New function: Touch operation Empty Re: New function: Touch operation

Post by NYCT_Railer Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:53 pm

Is there a way to read touch data directly from animated files? like "touch" being an instruction that reads whether or not the certain object is touched returning 1 or 0 respectively? also if it can be added, can it behave as 'pressed/released' (returning 1 and 0 respectively) rather than 'active/inactive'? this can help big timeĀ  Surprised

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New function: Touch operation Empty Re: New function: Touch operation

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