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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by Stevegr Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:03 pm


Last edited by Stevegr on Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:14 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by HijauKuda Tue Oct 16, 2018 11:36 pm

Sir Stevegr
I did find your train at this webpage download site

Good day and night for you


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by Stevegr Sun Nov 25, 2018 9:21 am

I have now released a revised and renamed version of the BR (W) HST.

The name change is to reflect I have also now made two more.

The previously released one is now called Mainline and I have released a Inter Regional version and a two Power Car light engines one.

I should point out that the maximum speed permitted is 60 mph for the light engine version..... Smile


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by Guest Sun Nov 25, 2018 11:26 am

Steve, why is it that there is an invisible DRA in the cab?


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by Stevegr Sun Nov 25, 2018 12:33 pm

fam622 wrote:Steve, why is it that there is an invisible DRA in the cab?
I think you may be talking about something else other than the DRA?

All the textures of the DRA been removed from the cab and so has the config of it.


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by Guest Sun Nov 25, 2018 3:28 pm

Okay, thanks.


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Deleted

Post by Movingmillion Sun Nov 25, 2018 3:58 pm


Last edited by Movingmillion on Sun Feb 09, 2020 2:03 am; edited 1 time in total


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by Stevegr Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:09 pm

Movingmillion wrote:Great job on the model. Would there be any plans for a 165 in Chiltern form?
Not really.

The current 165 train I have released I actually sat on for a few years after making it because it's not that good.

I also don't have any photos for a new cab or any to make an external for that matter.

Once I get over not looking at the Class 168 as it took awhile to make Class 170 versions will start appearing.

But not a current silver Chiltern 168.


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by SP1900 Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:16 pm

Stevegr wrote:
Movingmillion wrote:Great job on the model. Would there be any plans for a 165 in Chiltern form?
The current 165 train I have released I actually sat on for a few years after making it because it's not that good.
I hate to say this but, I never actually saw a 165 on bve4trains or trainsimcentral. would you mind explaining where we could at least find a picture of it?
as well as this, I am amazed that you actually made one because the curved front is very hard to model.

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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Deleted

Post by Movingmillion Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:31 pm


Last edited by Movingmillion on Sun Feb 09, 2020 2:03 am; edited 1 time in total


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by Stevegr Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:40 pm


Last edited by Stevegr on Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by Stevegr Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:54 am


Last edited by Stevegr on Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by NoobDev.exe Mon Nov 26, 2018 4:28 pm

That looks amazing! That's one of my favourite trains, the class 43 in InterCity Swallow.

Sorry to prise the thread away again, but there was something I was hoping to ask you (I sent it via PM, but it wouldn't leave the outbox).

I would like to ask if I could have permission to release a class 142 with your cab and physics. Is this alright with you?

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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by Guest Mon Nov 26, 2018 4:30 pm

Question: Will HSTs of different eras be released? (Asked that question because this looks like whats happening right now and hows progress on the NWM map? Again asking out of curiosity)


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by SP1900 Mon Nov 26, 2018 5:24 pm

Stevegr wrote:
There's a slight bit of fiction in this release

I don’t think the IC 125s had nameplates.

And also, one criticism is that there’s too much of the face2 command when there is no need of it. For instance, the train textures often show on the inside of the car when they don’t need to be. And many other places as well. I reckon your models would be less graphic intensive if they were coded with just face commands rather than face2. However, the whole model doesn’t need to be in face commands otherwise that might take away some of the detail. Just some parts where the face isn’t really shown like the inside of cars with no interiors, inside underframe equipment, inside of roof that sort of things. After I got permission to fit an interior to your class 168 I’ve had to go through every file to reduce the amount of face2 just so it could load in objectviewer.

But apart from that. You never cease to amaze me with the amount of detail you put in even with no interior

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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by Stevegr Mon Nov 26, 2018 7:28 pm

NoobDev.exe wrote:That looks amazing! That's one of my favourite trains, the class 43 in InterCity Swallow.

Sorry to prise the thread away again, but there was something I was hoping to ask you (I sent it via PM, but it wouldn't leave the outbox).

I would like to ask if I could have permission to release a class 142 with your cab and physics. Is this alright with you?
It's actually in Inter City Executive livery.
Swallow is a bit later.
I've never made a 142!
fam622 wrote:Question: Will HSTs of different eras be released? (Asked that question because this looks like whats happening right now and hows progress on the NWM map? Again asking out of curiosity)
Well maybe...... affraid
Opp's forgot about them.
SP1900 wrote:
Stevegr wrote:
There's a slight bit of fiction in this release

I don’t think the IC 125s had nameplates.

And also, one criticism is that there’s too much of the face2 command when there is no need of it. For instance, the train textures often show on the inside of the car when they don’t need to be. And many other places as well. I reckon your models would be less graphic intensive if they were coded with just face commands rather than face2. However, the whole model doesn’t need to be in face commands otherwise that might take away some of the detail. Just some parts where the face isn’t really shown like the inside of cars with no interiors, inside underframe equipment, inside of roof that sort of things. After I got permission to fit an interior to your class 168 I’ve had to go through every file to reduce the amount of face2 just so it could load in objectviewer.

But apart from that. You never cease to amaze me with the amount of detail you put in even with no interior
Thank's for the remarks other than about face2!
Well done for picking up it's the nameplate but some HST's were named in the Inter City Executive era, but not RAMC.
Something I thought I would do to my ex corps finally get a train named after the Royal Army Medical Corps!


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by NoobDev.exe Mon Nov 26, 2018 7:41 pm

Under the BVE4 section, you have a cab and the physics model of a class 142. I used the cab and physics of this, and used the sounds as the base for an update I made.

I didn't read the description of it. It says Richard Helliwell made it. Do you Know where he is now, or could you answer on his behalf?

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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by Stevegr Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:01 pm

Opp's I forgot about Richards Class 142!

A rather excellent photo real cab.

I last looked at my Bve 4 page some years ago.....

Richard gave me the trains he made when he withdrew from Bve.

This was because he was abused at the time by e-mail and PM, as was I by a group that's now members on here and Bve Terminus!

To this day I still get the odd abusive E-mail....

Richards 142 is the same as my releases basically respect who made it.

I should of got around to re configuring that one for Open Bve myself!


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by NoobDev.exe Tue Nov 27, 2018 7:04 am

Thanks for the reply. I will add him to the readme file under 'copyright'.

I should be releasing this as an updated version of my 142 pack, with new sounds and models. 

I do love your work btw Steve.

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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by Stevegr Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:11 pm


Last edited by Stevegr on Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:16 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by Guest Thu Nov 29, 2018 8:46 pm

Theres certainly a theme going on and I assume that that HST is passing a new station included in the Christmas update (or is it Salford Bridge)


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Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125 Empty Re: Class 253 British Rail (Western Region) Inter City 125

Post by leezer3 Fri Nov 30, 2018 7:06 pm


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