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Permission vs Credit

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Permission vs Credit Empty Permission vs Credit

Post by Movingmillion Mon Aug 06, 2018 5:36 pm

Hello all, 

When it comes to using content made by other people, whether it be route or train related, is it generally more respectable to ask permission, and then credit the original content creator? Or is it okay to just credit the original creator? My development team want to use objects from the Hammersmith and City Line by the late Karl Neilinn, and I feel slightly uneasy using objects without some sort of permission, especially if the content creator is deceased

Dexter Montague


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Permission vs Credit Empty Re: Permission vs Credit

Post by Quork Mon Aug 06, 2018 6:41 pm

It depends on the license terms. If there is no license allowing for reuse/redistribution, you'll have to ask the rights holder(s). In the case of a deceased creator that'll be the heirs. Maybe you can find some family on some common social media platforms? However if the creator is recently deceased, you should respectfully wait for several months before contacting family over such things.

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Permission vs Credit Empty Re: Permission vs Credit

Post by Movingmillion Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:12 pm

Thank you for your reply. 
I felt uneasy about the whole thing, and borrowing resources from deceased developers is not something I feel comfortable doing in general.

Dexter Montague
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Permission vs Credit Empty Re: Permission vs Credit

Post by Dexter Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:30 pm

I knew Karl and I would say he would be happy to see his work helping others. However, that is just an personal impression, not any official approach to anything. The official "procedure" (if we can call it that) is correctly described above.

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