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Anybody know who the developer of this is and where can I get the download!?

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Anybody know who the developer of this is and where can I get the download!? Empty Anybody know who the developer of this is and where can I get the download!?

Post by TrainsAATG Wed May 29, 2013 11:24 pm

This is brilliant! I just want to find out who the developer is and ask for the download, he hasnt been on youtube for a month know and it is getting boring waiting.

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Age : 26
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Anybody know who the developer of this is and where can I get the download!? Empty Re: Anybody know who the developer of this is and where can I get the download!?

Post by Northern Line Thu May 30, 2013 3:36 am

Hi TrainsATGG,

Welcome toBVEWorldwide forums. I'll get straight to the point. Users are reminded that asking for a developer's route is against one of our rules on Bveworldwide. If you want to find out the information for that route, why not send a comment on his YouTube video.

I hope you can understand and if you need any help of have any questions, please feel free to ask Smile

You are also reminded not to post too many topics on this forum. (we relate it to spamming. Lets try to keep a tidy forum. Again any questions, just ask Smile


Northern Line
Northern Line

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Anybody know who the developer of this is and where can I get the download!? Empty Re: Anybody know who the developer of this is and where can I get the download!?

Post by TrainsAATG Thu May 30, 2013 11:36 am

Okay sure, sorry about that.

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Join date : 2013-04-10
Age : 26
Location : England   and     www.londonundergroun

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Anybody know who the developer of this is and where can I get the download!? Empty Re: Anybody know who the developer of this is and where can I get the download!?

Post by Northern Line Thu May 30, 2013 11:47 am

No worries
Northern Line
Northern Line

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Age : 31
Location : London, UK

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