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Train Sway

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Train Sway Empty Train Sway

Post by VirtualGamer Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:06 pm

A pretty minor error, but i'll post it here anyway.

When the train doors are set in automatic (blue indicator when open), the train doesn't seem to sway even though it's enabled in settings.
When the train doors are in manual (green indicator when open), it sways normally.

Is there a way to fix this?

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Join date : 2017-10-18
Age : 18

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Train Sway Empty Re: Train Sway

Post by leezer3 Tue Jun 25, 2019 11:35 am

Fixed from this build onwards (Appears to have been Michelle's bug):

Don't know at the minute when we'll get another public posted release, I'm still working on a lot of internal plumbing, but this one *should* be OK for general use if it bothers you that much Smile


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Train Sway Empty Re: Train Sway

Post by VirtualGamer Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:06 pm

Just tested it, doesn't seem to have done anything. I don't realy mind it, just thought i'd point it out.

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Age : 18

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Train Sway Empty Re: Train Sway

Post by leezer3 Sat Jun 29, 2019 1:55 pm

Are you sure you're at a station where you're supposed to stop and open the doors?

There is a minor (undocumented at the minute) change in that loading sway will only apply if you're at a station where the doors are specifically supposed to open.
The rationale behind this was that if you open the doors somewhere such as lineside, you won't actually get any passengers boarding.

The sway is also not applied unless the doors are fully open. If the train is using long opening / closing times, the train *might* not get a chance to sway.


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Train Sway Empty Re: Train Sway

Post by Quork Sat Jun 29, 2019 1:57 pm

leezer3 wrote:The rationale behind this was that if you open the doors somewhere such as lineside, you won't actually get any passengers boarding.
That's what you say Laughing Passengers never listen to announcements - unless you say something wrong. Passengers never read signs - unless they're wrong. And passengers never are able to board a train swiftly - unless that's not their train... Rolling Eyes

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Train Sway Empty Re: Train Sway

Post by Stevegr Sun Jun 30, 2019 4:43 pm

I have never considered swaying cars to be all that realistic.

Dipping very sightly on the side of the train that is unloading and loading is on yes.

But not sure a Class 47 would unless the driver is a very big person! lol

Or put it another way it's a really crap aspect of OpenBve that lets the realistic quote down a bit..


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Train Sway Empty Re: Train Sway

Post by Quork Sun Jun 30, 2019 5:43 pm

It's very exaggerated even for light vehicles in OpenBVE, yes, and I tended to see it as critically as you do. Now I'm not thaaat sure anymore - you don't see the sway in real life, but you actually feel it on some vehicles. Visually exaggerating it might be a valid trick to compensate for the missing feeling.

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Location : Hofheim a.T., Hessen (Hesse), European Union

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Train Sway Empty Re: Train Sway

Post by graymac Sun Jun 30, 2019 7:14 pm

It's a feature that I'd shed no tears for if it disappeared!!!

But not sure a Class 47 would unless the driver is a very big person! lol
Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy  I seen some big 'uns not all that far from Cwmbran - not the driver, I might add. McDonalds has a LOT to answer for LMAO

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Train Sway Empty Re: Train Sway

Post by leezer3 Mon Jul 01, 2019 12:26 am

I can't say I much like it either, but it's there and some people do- No accounting for taste Razz

One small further addition from today as I've been playing with this is the new ability to disable loading sway on a per-car basis:
Extensions.cfg wrote:
LoadingSway = false

Alternatively, the same may be done in a car section of train.xml via the following:


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