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A new wiki

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A new wiki Empty A new wiki

Post by phontanka Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:06 pm

It has been quite a while since the wiki at went down. This wiki was an essential part of our lives in the BVE world, it was a great resource which shouldn't be completely lost.

Therefore I think we need a new wiki.

The easiest option seems to be using a free wiki service like Wikia or Shoutwiki. Some people have already started to take action, there is, there is and there is

We should decide what's best, then set up the wiki and keep it up to date like we used to. Once we have decided we should post news about the new wiki on well known BVE sites so that people know about the new wiki.

Shoutwiki gives us the standard Mediawiki software, so I've registered At only registered users can edit pages and registration involves captcha, so it seems to be a good option. Hopefully robots can be kept away from this site.

Wikia is more open, anyone can edit, people don't have to register and there isn't necessarily a captcha involved when editing a page (only if you change links). Thus there may be issues with unwanted edits.

So what do you think? Which wiki service shall we choose?

Posts : 241
Join date : 2012-05-08
Location : Hungary

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A new wiki Empty Re: A new wiki

Post by Quork Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:26 pm

Erm... You can have obligatory registration on Wikia as well. e.g. you can't edit MA without registering - and MA is on Wikia.

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Join date : 2012-05-05
Age : 33
Location : Hofheim a.T., Hessen (Hesse), European Union

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