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problem with 7z files

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solved problem with 7z files

Post by JimH Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:10 pm


I'm trying to download Graymac's BWR 2012 route, object and sound files. The route file downloads as a compressed (zipped) file with the usual zip icon from which, using Windows 7 facility, I extract the route folder and place it in my BVE route folder. No problem there. When I download the objects folder from the website, that arrives as a 7z file with a blank (empty white sheet) icon. When I right click on this entry, I am not given the option to extract but asked to choose an inappropriate program with which to open the file. The same applies to the sound file and likewise some other routes I've tried downloading.

I'm running Windows 7 on an HP P6 2065-UK desktop. I have not previously experienced this issue with Windows XP on my old machine. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


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Join date : 2012-08-11
Location : France

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solved Re: problem with 7z files

Post by Drag0nflamez Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:13 pm

Download 7-zip


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solved Re: problem with 7z files

Post by graymac Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:21 pm

@JimH You didn't say what unpacking program you used. If it is not the one from that is most likely the cause of your problem.
There is advice on the celtictrainsim downloads site to use the 7zip program, and a link to free download, same as DragOnflames posted above. There is a reason for that advice. That reason is the experience of users having difficulties caused by some other programs which can corrupt the files.
I can assure JimH that I've had no problems with 7z files using the proper program. Using Win7 (32 & 64 bit) and Win XP.
If you asked them, I think you would find 99% of the people on this forum are using the recommended program without any trouble at all.

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Location : Co Mayo, Eire

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solved Re: problem with 7z files

Post by JimH Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:29 pm

Hi DragOnflamez and Graymac. Thanks for the advice. I was in fact using a program that came installed with the computer. I assumed it was part of the Windows 7 package but couldn't say specifically what program it was. However, I've downloaded 7zip as suggested and have extracted the folders from both the object and sound files. I couldn't understand why the already installed unpacking program dealt with the route file in the normal way and not the objects and sound files and I was also confused with the two different types of files. However, all seems well now. Thanks again. JimH


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Location : France

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solved Re: problem with 7z files

Post by graymac Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:15 pm

You're welcome, Jim. There's lots of programs manage ordinary zip files no trouble at all. More than one or two CAN usually handle the 7zip files, but ONLY the program from is GUARANTEED to work and not give you grief! Lots of us have found that from experience.

You know what they say, when all else fails, read the instructions Very Happy

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Location : Co Mayo, Eire

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