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Further development at BrnoBVE

3 posters

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What should happen next on BrnoBVE?

Further development at BrnoBVE I_vote_lcap13%Further development at BrnoBVE I_vote_rcap 13% 
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Further development at BrnoBVE I_vote_lcap67%Further development at BrnoBVE I_vote_rcap 67% 
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Further development at BrnoBVE I_vote_lcap20%Further development at BrnoBVE I_vote_rcap 20% 
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Total Votes : 15

Further development at BrnoBVE Empty Further development at BrnoBVE

Post by Dexter Wed May 16, 2012 6:10 pm

I am now considering which steps to take next - after the route has been given animations and most of the objects are now photorealistic, there are a few possible ways to go. Please vote.

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Join date : 2011-07-08
Age : 39
Location : Brno, Czech republic

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Further development at BrnoBVE Empty Re: Further development at BrnoBVE

Post by busheyheath Wed May 16, 2012 6:37 pm

I prefer driving an interesting route, even more than admiring the extensials (they are inportant too). To me, BVE should be a train driving program rather than a train exhibition.....

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Further development at BrnoBVE Empty Re: Further development at BrnoBVE

Post by graymac Wed May 16, 2012 6:53 pm

Yep! Route for me every time. The last 18 months has seen too much time wasted with petty externals. Then, I'm not a train builder so I'm possibly biased. Very Happy

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Further development at BrnoBVE Empty Re: Further development at BrnoBVE

Post by Dexter Wed May 16, 2012 7:03 pm

Well, it is quite true that the route is lacking mileage. However, if I fulfill my plans (route over 50 kms) then more trains will be needed anyway.Very Happy

BTW, the 362 cab is similar 163 in some features... but some differences do exist.

Posts : 2153
Join date : 2011-07-08
Age : 39
Location : Brno, Czech republic

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