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Some problems with scenes not being displayed properly at certain angles

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Some problems with scenes not being displayed properly at certain angles Empty Some problems with scenes not being displayed properly at certain angles

Post by otis0911 Wed Aug 14, 2024 12:27 pm

I'm learning how to develop routes for OpenBVE. I have recently been trying to organize and understand the contents of my local Taipei MRT routes. What I want to ask is: Why do I find that the scene becomes invisible at certain angles, and then the scene displays normally after I adjust it slightly, because I think this affects the experience quite a bit. If anyone knows why this is, please let me know! Thanks.
P.S. These contents were translated by me using GOOGLE. If there are any grammatical problems, etc., please don’t care. Very Happy


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Some problems with scenes not being displayed properly at certain angles Empty Re: Some problems with scenes not being displayed properly at certain angles

Post by dst Thu Aug 15, 2024 11:03 am

Hi, could it be you are looking at the scenes from the back?
If you look at the documentation, you will find, that you need to create "faces" when assigning textures. That usually means the "thing" will only have a texture from one side and is see-through from the other (which is fine, because viewing e.g. a station from the back is something you will likely not do when driving past in a train).


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Join date : 2024-07-02

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