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Upgrading from OpenGL 3.2

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Upgrading from OpenGL 3.2 Empty Upgrading from OpenGL 3.2

Post by SmoIchopper Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:25 am

Most models in OpenBVE are not made by 3D modelling software, but rather written code in software such as notepad or notepad++. This means that most models are loaded in faces that exceed 3 vertexes most of the time, Only OpenGL builds before 3.3 support quads+ but when objects are parsed they are converted into tris anyways, so why does the sim not use 4.6 instead?

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Join date : 2021-01-12

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Upgrading from OpenGL 3.2 Empty Re: Upgrading from OpenGL 3.2

Post by leezer3 Tue Oct 26, 2021 10:26 am

The short answer is that it'll do no good (at least at present).

Upgrading the OpenGL version in use doesn't have any magical speed effects, unless you re-write the existing code to take advantage of any new features.
It's taken the better part of two years to get a 100% GL3 renderer working, and the kinks worked out, and I can't see any immediate advantages to shifting to GL4+


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Join date : 2011-08-23

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