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Train.dat train.xml worries and issues

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Train.dat train.xml worries and issues Empty Train.dat train.xml worries and issues

Post by SylvesterChevrolet Sun Aug 01, 2021 10:34 pm


I don't often talk here, but I do have something(s) to query about the train.dat issues and the switch to xml.
I'll try to keep it as brief as possible without leaving major points out so you don't spend a year reading my post  Very Happy

1. What will we see happen with train.xml? Will it work in train editor as we know it now or will it be in a different editing format (ie, not in a graph to display pitch and volume)?

2. Will the 0.2kmh interval and 2 tracks limit be fixed in train.xml? If so, what is the limit of tracks for xml?

3. Will there be a train.dat to xml converter? I know a handfull of people that are working on multiple trains, and I think they would find it.... irritating to say the least if they have to reconstruct their sounds again to comply with the modern xml format.

Hope you reply soon with the answers  Surprised

Regards, Sylvester.

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Train.dat train.xml worries and issues Empty Re: Train.dat train.xml worries and issues

Post by leezer3 Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:27 pm

Short answer is that it's still a work in progress on all fronts.
The biggest milestone was actually the recent change of getting the train loader into a single shared plugin.

1. When complete, it'll be fully supported in Train Editor / Train Editor 2.
2. Yes, these limits will be fixed, although the exact details hasn't yet been fully decided on / implemented. An approximate draft is the following:

In essence, what it needs is the ability to define arbritrary interpolation curve entries for any given sound track.
At each entry, you then define the pitch and volume and the interpolation method used.

This completely gets rid of the 0.2km/h issue.

3. This is slightly more complex. It should be possible by opening the older variant in Train Editor and re-saving, but I won't make a 100% guarantee here, as the whole thing is in need of a radical re-design due to needing to get rid of the 0.2km/h step thing.

Please don't expect anything quite yet however Smile
My current focus is on getting an openGL replacement for the main menu functional, so that 64-bit / M1 Apple works again. (this will not be used by default on any other platform)


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