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how to get the pantograph status?

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how to get the pantograph status? Empty how to get the pantograph status?

Post by Midnight Express Ginga81 Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:27 pm

Now, we can press P or CTRL+P to up or down the pantograph.
But I cannot how to get the pantograph status from animated object document.
I want to animation relate by pantograph's status.
How to get the status (up/down) of pantograph?
Please teach me.

Midnight Express Ginga81

Posts : 154
Join date : 2016-09-25

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how to get the pantograph status? Empty Re: how to get the pantograph status?

Post by leezer3 Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:44 pm

That's not actually currently plumbed into anything except the train plugin interface, and in short is waiting for the whole pantograph feature set to be implemented Sad
The basic idea behind adding headlights, wipers etc. keyconfigs even when the features weren't already present, is that it provides a placeholder for when they actually get added in the first place.

I've got a mostly feature complete branch for this from last year, but it got a little over-complex....
(yes, the whole switchable power supply types was a specific request from someone who currently uses an insane beacon set to do that)

It's one of the *many* things needing work at some stage soon.


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how to get the pantograph status? Empty Re: how to get the pantograph status?

Post by Midnight Express Ginga81 Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:55 pm

Oh! I understand!
Each pantograph car's electric data will get enable is very difficult.
I will wait to enable this, or use BVEC_ATS or S520's DLL.
Thank you very much for answer!

Midnight Express Ginga81

Posts : 154
Join date : 2016-09-25

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