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Issues with Route.RunInterval command

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Issues with Route.RunInterval command Empty Issues with Route.RunInterval command

Post by BPI-919 Andris Sun Apr 18, 2021 12:03 pm


In OpenBVE (version I opened a route, which contains "Route.RunInterval 540; -420" command. Everything was okay, the train which should appear 540 seconds ahead of us, showed up properly, but the train which should appear 420 seconds behind us was not appear. Of course, I turned on the automatic control of the player train, after the loading, so the player train moved properly. Unfortunately, the train behind us did not show up at the initial station even 600 seconds later. However, instead of the train that should be appeared behind us, a train appeared 120 seconds ahead of us. I tried to look for it, but I did not find a "Route.RunInterval 120" or a "Train.Interval 120" commands anywhere. I found everything in the log file okay.
Would you look at these in the program code, please?

BPI-919 Andris
BPI-919 Andris

Posts : 6
Join date : 2020-09-01
Age : 25

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Issues with Route.RunInterval command Empty Re: Issues with Route.RunInterval command

Post by leezer3 Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:09 pm

Fixed in today's daily build, my apologies.
(You can also turn off hacks to tempoarily fix the issue)

With hacks enabled, we check for a *minimum* RunInterval of two minutes.
This is because otherwise in a large number of BVE2 routes you get a train blocking the initial section and causing havoc.
Unfortunately, I overlooked negative values in this (they're not widely used), and so any negative value got 'fixed' to 120s.


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Join date : 2011-08-23

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