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Looking for a SIMPLE way..

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Looking for a SIMPLE way.. Empty Looking for a SIMPLE way..

Post by CaptED Fri Dec 20, 2019 12:34 am

Hello to All Readers,

Not sure if there is a Simple way to do the following!!! 

Is anyone willing to explain how to add a Locomotive to a Consist.. 

I am willing to use the same Loco that is in the folder..  I would like to rotate trailing Engine..

Also how to add or subtract cars in a Train..??

I did read about the “Train Editor” but was way over my HEAD..

Mostly I am am running Freight Trains...

Thanks in Advance
Ed Crawford

Posts : 75
Join date : 2012-08-19
Age : 80
Location : Bryant, Arkansas

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Looking for a SIMPLE way.. Empty Re: Looking for a SIMPLE way..

Post by HijauKuda Fri Dec 20, 2019 2:05 am

Sir CaptED
I do think you should look for the freight of goods trains and the lokomotivs
here on this webpage download site for the united states trains of openbve

do then study the files named extensions.cfg and train.dat for adding and removing the cars and lokomotivs
the power lokomotives and the wagons are each seperated and accounted in the train.dat section of the #CAR
the cars outside view externally objects are then displayed as they list in the extensions.cfg [CAR...] sections

I pray this may be help for you
Good day and night for you


Posts : 102
Join date : 2012-01-18

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Looking for a SIMPLE way.. Empty Re: Looking for a SIMPLE way..

Post by CaptED Fri Dec 20, 2019 5:53 pm

Hello Hijau,
Thanks for the help, I was able to reduce Train Cars (down from 12)
But I am not seeing increase in Horsepower...  (Speed increase)

I did look in the "Train Editor" and there is a section for Acceleration...
Got to try to find info on that... 

The Engine is a Sulzer 12LDA28-C @ 2,580 bhp. with 8 Loaded Piggybacks
So it should accelerator rather quickly (Diesel engines are a little less responsive)

Again Thanks

Posts : 75
Join date : 2012-08-19
Age : 80
Location : Bryant, Arkansas

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