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Class 195 OpenBVE

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Class 195 OpenBVE - Page 2 Empty Re: Class 195 OpenBVE

Post by graymac Wed Jul 24, 2019 10:41 am

It's quite possible that (eventually) "someone" will produce a Cl195 model.  ap1991's suggestion to "Do It Yourself" is possibly the quickest way you're going to get one, if it's all that urgent.
Take a look at this, for some idea of the work involved:

You may be overwhelmed by it, though its not all that difficult to do. Or, if you feel unable to tackle it then perhaps if, at least, you could assemble the required photo images (including cab/interior/exterior - and all necessary motor/wheel/brake/door etc etc sounds) and offer them to any interested and competent developer who might be prepared to take it on, then it could happen in my lifetime, Or not, as the case may be. And don't underestimate the difficulty of obtaining the material, without access permissions and without trespassing on railway property.

Posts : 2134
Join date : 2011-08-28
Location : Co Mayo, Eire

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Class 195 OpenBVE - Page 2 Empty Re: Class 195 OpenBVE

Post by thegamer7893 Thu Jul 25, 2019 6:13 pm

I am not in any rush for someone to make one, it was just that it was just a thought that came into my mind. After all, it is a peng (good looking/se*y) train. Wink


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Class 195 OpenBVE - Page 2 Empty Re: Class 195 OpenBVE

Post by graymac Thu Jul 25, 2019 6:54 pm

Aye, 'tis, I'll grant you that. Just so you know it's not a simple job though it would be popular, no doubt, if it were done.

Posts : 2134
Join date : 2011-08-28
Location : Co Mayo, Eire

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Class 195 OpenBVE - Page 2 Empty Re: Class 195 OpenBVE

Post by thehoviskid Thu Jul 25, 2019 9:37 pm

thegamer7893 wrote:I am not in any rush for someone to make one, it was just that it was just a thought that came into my mind. After all, it is a peng (good looking/se*y) train. Wink
Meh, in both looks and ambience, they give the impression of a souped up tram

the ex-West Yorkshire 158/9s that we had on the Preston-Barrow's were nice original comfy seats and in decent nick.  Some of those have been refurbished recently and the seating has been "got at" and replaced by ironing boards with armrests

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Join date : 2011-07-09
Age : 47
Location : Heysham

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Class 195 OpenBVE - Page 2 Empty Re: Class 195 OpenBVE

Post by mrknowitall Thu Jul 25, 2019 9:41 pm

thehoviskid wrote:
thegamer7893 wrote:I am not in any rush for someone to make one, it was just that it was just a thought that came into my mind. After all, it is a peng (good looking/se*y) train. Wink
Meh, in both looks and ambience, they give the impression of a souped up tram

the ex-West Yorkshire 158/9s that we had on the Preston-Barrow's were nice original comfy seats and in decent nick.  Some of those have been refurbished recently and the seating has been "got at" and replaced by ironing boards with armrests

the 158's had a "built to last" feeling about them, these new ones im not sure about. i hope they do though. the 333's are a nice and reliable train. 

look forwards to Steve releasing the train! be a nice addition to OpenBVE.

Posts : 824
Join date : 2011-07-09
Age : 32
Location : W. Yorkshire

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