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Error messages corrupt text

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solved Error messages corrupt text

Post by ecreek Mon May 21, 2018 4:48 am

Error messages corrupt text Gobble11
I have recently installed Windows 10 and Office and when I look at the errors generated in OpenBVE I get a lot of goobledegook and dingbats. I now get thousands of errors where previously there were none.
Maybe Excel has messed with the csv files - there seems a lot more commas that were not there previously.


Posts : 62
Join date : 2011-08-23

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solved Re: Error messages corrupt text

Post by leezer3 Mon May 21, 2018 12:53 pm

I can't reproduce this on my main development box.
The route you're trying doesn't match with what's in my archive either, which is slightly odd. The object folder and file names suggest it's the Eastern Suburbs Railway, but the objects for both V1 and V2 are in B3D format here.

I agree with your suspicion that Excel (or possibly Windows 10) has messed up the files somehow....
The junk text rather suggests that it's been converted in the background to an XLS file.

Can you zip and upload the file C:\OpenBVE\Railway\Object\bondi\redfern station.csv for me to take a look at?


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solved Re: Error messages corrupt text

Post by ecreek Mon May 21, 2018 2:23 pm


I think I fixed it. When I first installed Excel, Windows 10 decided to be be helpful and re-assigned all my csv files to the type xls. This never occurred under Win7. It completely corrupted the redfern station file in particular and most of the errors related to this file. I have re-installed Excel and created a new version of that file and it seems OK now.

This is a completely new version of the Eastern Suburbs Railway which I've been working on for some time.



Posts : 62
Join date : 2011-08-23

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