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train loading error

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train loading error Empty train loading error

Post by graymac Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:58 pm

This appears in the train folder when it's loaded. I've dumped it but it comes back again. the train seems to load and work all the same.

train loading error Wot10

The error file reads:
The paramater indimpvelpressed contains invalid data. This should be a comma separated list of integers.

Any ideas where I should be looking?

Going through some older stuff, trying to improve it and some of it is as buggy as a ten-day-dead dog Sad

Posts : 2134
Join date : 2011-08-28
Location : Co Mayo, Eire

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train loading error Empty Re: train loading error

Post by leezer3 Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:11 pm

That would be me Sad
Specifically, there appears to be a bug in the version of BVEC_ATS that you're using.

Two options:

  1. Ignore the error; It's harmless.
  2. Drop in the attached replacement version / config file.

Only flaw with the replacement is that it's built against my current builds, and won't work with versions older than (There's a lot of other stuff in the plugin....)
train loading error Attachment You don't have permission to download attachments.(92 Kb) Downloaded 1 times


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Join date : 2011-08-23

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train loading error Empty Re: train loading error

Post by graymac Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:20 pm

Thanks Chris, I've downloaded the replacement, though I'm tending (due to your warning) to think that the cure might be worse than the disease, depending how many users are still using earlier versions - I'm using v 1.5.7 right now. I'll put a "version" notice on the website download if and when I put up locos equipped with that plug-in.

I've been putting 3D wheels on rolling stock. Never realised how much stuff I made until it came to revisiting it. Fixed a few flaws on the way. Just finishing a pair of Irish dmus as well. Busy me!!

Posts : 2134
Join date : 2011-08-28
Location : Co Mayo, Eire

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