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Openbve Cab Rides

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Openbve Cab Rides Empty Openbve Cab Rides

Post by stevewool Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:02 pm

Hi all,

I have recently set up a YouTube channel dedicated to Openbve cab rides!! its in early stages and will hopefully progress over time, main reason i set it up is to promote the program itself and also the fantastic work contributed by various bve developers, take a look have a subscribe (if you like) Wink i always aim to drive as profesionally as possible and equally as sensible, hope you all enjoy, thanks for reading!


**Direct Link**

*note, i am having a "test" with new recording software, please excuse any lag (if any) gremlins will be chased away.


Posts : 19
Join date : 2014-07-08

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